Been meaning to do this giveaway for ages now but somehow hadn’t gotten round to it but today, for some reason, I finally figured I’d stop procrastinating and get it done.
I’ve been know to go on and on about photography and this giveaway involves a nifty set of 55mm Natural Density (ND) filters for any DSLR camera (3 of them – ND-2, ND-4 and ND-8) and a Wide Angle Lens Adapter(0.45x and 55mm) – to help you take even more dramatic photos. Check out the photos below to see how these ND filters can change the photos you’re taking! (The wide angle lens is there to help you take more zoomed out photos…) If you want the techie deets on the ND Filters, wikipedia’s got you covered with this article.

And here’s the difference the ND filter makes to your photos:
All you have to do is Retweet this tweet on Twitter. That’s it!
#Retweet this & #Win a set of #Photography #Lens & ND Filters to make your #Travel #photos pop! #Free Closes 21/12/14
— Hand Luggage Only (@HLOBlog) December 7, 2014
Entires close at 12 noon Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) on the 21st of December, 2014. A winner will then be selected at random.
Once the winner is chosen, we will notify you directly and prominently display the winner on Hand Luggage Only’s Twitter and Facebook pages.
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