This is us. Halloween 2013.
Okay, this is not my typical type of post but Halloween is right around the corner and it’s something of a party emergency! 🙂
Every year it creeps up on me – obliviously enjoying my October until… Wham!
The dreaded word starts to appear everywhere from all my friends (and the internet – which is technically also my friend) – HALLOWEEN.
Now don’t get me wrong, I totally love Halloween, but its ability to sneak up on me like a Great Aunt at Christmas is truly frightening!
How am I always so ill-prepared? Why is it so sneaky?
Why isn’t Halloween publicised much earlier… like in April! 😮 Okay, I know this may be a little unrealistic but I do need a little memory jolt with a few months to prepare! This year has unsurprisingly caused the same dread and panic and forced me to start to think of what to do.
My friends and I have already booked our tickets to one of the hottest nights in London and we can’t wait to party – but the big question is… “What do I dress up as?”
Last year we had a total blast. Yaya dressed as some goulash crazy man and I decided it would be super cool and extravagant to dress like some kind of urban banshee that had just appeared from the forest… or at least Hyde Park!
The only problem with my outfit was that I rushed to pick it from our hedges (not realising it was poison ivy) – cue my poor arms filled with red spots for a good 5 days after! Lesson learned 🙂
Anyway, so you don’t have to suffer the trauma of an ill-prepared night, I have collated some quick tips, original ideas and unique fixes that will allow you to focus on the most important thing on the 31st October. Partying!
- Always ‘dress to impress’: I love pre-made outfits that you can hire from stores – but my favourite is the creativity that can come with Halloween. If you have time, why not head to a local thrift/charity store and buy some relatively cheap pieces that can be amended for your outfit (or get a friend to help in the sewing!)
- Go bold or go home!: Remember ‘sexy kitten’ from Mean Girls… I do. I can’t say it’s my favourite style out outfitting for Halloween, but what I would say is that any style can work and should work as long as you put in the effort. Effort always pays off and a true Halloween outfit should really raise eyebrows and catch peoples attention.
- More is Less on Halloween: Go crazy with the props, the volume in the hair, the mud on your face, the blood spewing from your guts! Exaggerate every amendment you make to your outfit and your make-up – this is a sure-fire way to look great and stand out!
- Take time to prepare: Allow yourself an allotment of time to get ready for Halloween night. Take note that some outfits can take hours to create and fit so plan this well!
- Help each other: If you are going to a party like us, why not all get ready together… its half of the fun of Halloween night and it’s great to get 10 more extra hands to stick, glue and pour your outfit all over you!
- Challenge the stays-quo: Go beyond the norm. If you want to be an enchanted unicorn kitten that is from Norway. DO IT. Don’t always go for safe options.
- Google can be your friend: Outfits come in all shapes and sizes, and the beauty of the internet is that there are thousands of ideas right at your fingertips!
- Masks are challenging: There are some crazy amazing masks this year. but when you are partying they can be cumbersome and quite a hassle – you get hot… people can’t hear you – and really it’s hard to know who you are… My tip is to always use make-up to create a particular look, plus its more original!
- Raid yours and your families old wardrobe to connect with a bygone era: If you want to really dress from the ’80s, find some old clothing of your parents. this is a perfect place to get inspiration for looks and if you ask nicely, they may well allow you to use them 🙂
- Halloween is spooky: Make your night scary if you can. Enjoy the fear – do something that really embodies Halloween… get chased by zombies, party away or take your siblings or family around your local town!
- Stay hydrated: You will be dressed to the nines and most likely will be very hot… remember, water is your very best friend and its a good idea to have a glass of water every 30 mins or more if your dancing. Don’t get thirsty or dehydrated!
- Create a character: Don’t just dress up! Be the person you are… if that’s Marilyn Monroe, Gandalf or a local witch… embody that role and cackle the night away in gleeful disregard of any shyness!
- Enjoy: Take time to enjoy the night, be with friends, make it fun and take a few photos. It’s a perfect night to celebrate and go wild!
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