Seeing as we’d both skipped breakfast earlier in the day, due to a ridiculous lack of planning on both our parts, lunch time at the Fraggle Rock bar was most certainly a much anticipated affair! It took me all of two seconds to decide what to have – fish and chips all round and a pitcher of Pimm’s to share!
By the way, the sparrows on the island are cheeky and persistent when it comes to getting your food scraps. They’re also adorable and so, despite their valiant efforts to nick your food, you’ll find yourself simultaneously feeding them your food and oddly enough, feeling guilty for feeding the sparrows fish and chips (Is it any good for them? I have no clue. 🙂 ) Also, my little doggy friend (remember him from here?) came round to join us for lunch. I have no idea how he found us here again but he’s got pretty good timing!
Lunch over, we decided to walk down to what I have decided is the real Fraggle Rock the bar is named after. It is not by the way but if ever there was a real life Fraggle Rock, this is what I imagine it would look like. 🙂
The dog (which disappeared part way through lunch) was here again next to the rock. If ever a dog enjoyed playing around in water, it was this dog!
I just love these honesty boxes every across the island! I find it thoroughly refreshing me that pure and honest traditions like this still exist, not just in the UK, but in the world as a whole!
We decided to head back to find Hell Bay which is home to the more dramatic rockier side of the island. According to Wikipedia “Hell Bay became a notorious place for shipwrecks over the 18th and 19th century though there is little evidence to support this, most ships having been wrecked before they even reached here.” There’s a popular restaurant around here but seeing as we’d just had lunch, we carried on exploring more of the island…
…which led us to an artist’s studio. Again, despite the relatively high value of the artwork here, the studio was left open and unattended. A few hours spent on this island makes you start to understand why the islands have such a reputation for being of the safest and most honest places in the UK.
Before long, it was time to head back towards the beach to get our boat back to Tresco. The tide was much lower by this point so the pick-up location was different than the drop off location.
In retrospect, I wish we’d left enough time to enjoy the beach than we did! (You’ll see why when you see what it looks like below)
Arriving in Tresco, we decided to pop into The New Inn for a quick pint in the sun and to make reservations for dinner. I however, managed to hone in on some ice cream which I proceeded to have generous dollops of! N.B. The ice cream is so good here! It’s kinda reminded me of the ice cream you get in Florence or Venice – old fashioned homemade creamy goodness!
Back in the Thatch, Lloyd popped the kettle on and I got the picnic blanker and some biscuits out for tea. I had no plans before dinner in a few hours and that suited me just fine. Halfway through our tea though we both promptly nodded off to sleep and woke up barely on time for dinner.
Food, by the way, was great again here though alas, I have no photos of it. I did have one of the most gigantic pieces of sticky toffee pudding ever (one of my faves) and my new favourite bottle of Malbec! So far, the Isles of Scilly was fast becoming a firm-favourite and the long anticipated combination of a relaxed holiday and the perfect British holiday that I’d been yearning for all year!
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