After horse riding around the stunning Faroese countryside, we headed back to the hotel to ‘thaw out’.
It was sunny but that wind still carried a chill that only excitement seemed to combat (you know, one of those moments where its only once you get off the horse you realise how cold you really are).
Thawing out of course was also partly an excuse to have lunch. 🙂
Once we were done with lunch, with no plans whatsoever, we figured we might as well hit the road – it was our final full day and night on the Faroe Islands, after all.
Leaving Torshavn, you have a fair few choices on where to head to and we decided to head in a different route past the village of Kaldbaksbotnur, where I could’ve sworn I’d seen a road up in the mountains…
Turns out I was right!
Plus, the view from up here is pretty much worth the drive, especially on a sunny day like this.
Leaving that view point, we pretty much spent the entire afternoon just driving from point to point on the islands, stopping whenever there was something that caught our eyes and occasionally taking the time to go on a little walk around the area.

It was brilliant! I know I keep saying this over and over again but I love not having plans.
We’ve gotten so consumed by planning in the past that it just feel so great to lean into what feels good to you naturally – whether that’s going for a walk through the mountains, or just being lazy and relaxing at the local bar.
I think this feeling is in part why I’ve enjoyed revisiting places I’ve been to before. Less pressure to have to ‘see everything’ and more time to relax and properly enjoy a place! 🙂
The Faroe Islands is also perfect for this as there’s one stunning sight after the other wherever you turn.
Eventually, after hours of gallivanting, we headed back to Torshavn, just in time for dinner at the amazing Etika restaurant.
Now, a sushi restaurant in a European island might not seem like the most authentic experience on paper but when you stop to think about it, it makes perfect sense. See, sushi is all about fresh seafood and they don’t come any fresher than on the Faroe Islands. We’re talking straight from Ocean to your table!
The choice on the menu at Etika is absolutely fantastic too and that fresh island air does make you work up quite an appetite!
We decided to order a whole range of different items on the menu.
As with sharing/small plates like tapas, I always get ‘ordering anxiety’ – have I ordered too much or too little? I always seem to forget at that point in time that the best option is to order a little to start with and then order some more.
Thankfully, on this occasion, I got my order size perfect first time and the food was pretty fantastic here across the board (except for the tempura – which I wasn’t personally fond of because of the thicker batter but Lloyd absolutely loved).
If there’s one thing you have to have here, it’s definitely the dumplings! They are sooooooo good! Actually, let’s make it two thing – the salmon here is pretty fantastic too! (The islands are in the perfect place for the best salmon in the world really…).

Dinner over with, there was nothing for it but a walk around Torshavn, to work off our delicious meal!

The walk ended up with another last minute drive around the island – major FOMO move on my part.
The next morning, we had to get up bright and early to catch our flight and I wish I could say to you that a trip to the island make me feel completely sated with The Faroe Islands but instead, I felt quite the opposite – I left the island only wanting to come back again for even more!
I wanna see it in winter. I wanna see the puffins here. I wanna see it in the middle of summer when the grass is green. I wanna see the Northern Lights here. The list goes on and on… 🙂
The Faroe Islands are absolutely incredible and I can’t recommend visiting them enough!
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