1.) It’s winter (in Europe, USA, Canada and part of Asia). Stop trying to fight it and just go for a winter holiday! Part of the joy of seasons is the extremes of different weathers so make the most of the snow and cold while it’s here.
2.) Start looking now! Yes, you may or may not have the money yet after that huge Christmas spend but window shopping now could actually mean you’ll find great deals that won’t be available when you’re ready to book.
3.) Think about booking something with your friends. If you book it with the right friends, it’s bound to be so much fun!
4.) If you had friends coming to visit your city or country, where would you recommend they visit? If you haven’t been to the places you’d recommend, then perhaps it’s time you explored more of your own city or country?
5.) Look for last minute deals. You honestly don’t know what you’ll find if you’re flexible enough to book something last minute.
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