As I type this, I am quite literally knackered and just about ready to fall asleep but I had to update you quickly with some photos on what we’ve been up to so far on our road trip across Italy. Needless to say, the proper blog posts will come soon but I’m guessing you’re as … Continue Reading

The best part about taking photos when you travel is how, just by looking at those photos, you can be transported to a specific place and time. Photos have such a strong way of making you reconnect with your memories and seeing as Lisbon is one of my favourite cities to visit. I loved everything … Continue Reading

Yorkshire is renowned across the UK for tea, old-fashioned no-nonsense charm, quaint English farmhouses and rustic little villages. There are so many reasons to spend some time in Yorkshire and perhaps none quite as compelling as the rolling hills of Yorkshire. It’s absolutely stunning and picturesque after seeing these photos below, you’ll understand why you … Continue Reading

I’ve spent so much time looking for apps to increase my productivity, to create things with, to share things or just to play games on that I forgot entirely about those set of apps that serve no real purpose, other than to entertain you. Here are 4 I’ve found so far! 1.) The “Shame” app … Continue Reading

Remember when I said to you how you can go on Safari in Scotland? Well, the idea has been stuck in my head since then and I finally got round to going! The safari park is called Blair Drummond Safari and Adventure Park and it was such a fun-filled day. This is meant to be a photo … Continue Reading

One of the challenges I came across when it came to packing for our trip across Italy was the fact that due to the fact that we’re using a rickshaw to drive across the country, I would have to be extra lean with my hand luggage allowance. My typical packing style is to pack all … Continue Reading

There’s something I’ve noticed on travel blogs lately and while, this is not the kind of post I would usually write, it’s been at the back of my mind for long enough that I just feel like I need to call it out. That thing is a programme/scheme called Travel Blog Success (I refuse to … Continue Reading

Exciting news!!! We’re off to explore Italy for a week with nothing but a backpack and a rickshaw! 🙂 It’s very unlike anything else we’ve done before and we’re very excited about it! Bravofly (which is part of the group) set us a challenge to see how much of Italy we could cover – … Continue Reading

London is filled with amazing places to see, delicious foods to eat and quirky spots to find and although all the obvious places are a definite must to visit, some of London’s more exciting ‘treasures’ are not as well known as you’d expect. Ever since finding out about St Dunstan’s in the East (see more deets … Continue Reading

Yup! This app has been long coming and has been in the works for quite a while! Well it’s finally here – we’ve re-released our app for iPhones (& iPads) and it’s so much better than the older app (you’ll see why when you download it) and it’s easier to use! You can get our new app via … Continue Reading

I have spent the past nine months pretty much travelling non-stop and it has been and is amazing! But we all know that travelling and constantly being on the road can be a bit tough sometimes – some people are better at it than others and don’t miss home and their daily life as much … Continue Reading

The name of the towns and villages in the Basque Country sure is a tongue twister! Luckily, they more than makeup for it in their sheer charm and beauty when you do visit so it’s definitely worth learning the name (and even a few Basque Country phrases to get you started). Hondarribia is one said … Continue Reading

I’d been meaning on putting this post up for ages! 🙂 Essentially, we’d been exploring Gipuzkoa (in the Basque Country) for a couple of days and after this humongous lunch, we ventured across the river from Pasai Donibane (the town we were in) to the neighbouring town. It has been raining just before but in true Basque … Continue Reading

Afternoon naps are an amazing thing aren’t they? They leave you so refreshed and all geared up to explore the world! (Even when they last for just an hour). Spurred by this new found energy, we left the Isles of Scilly Country Guesthouse (which at this point was basking in the island sunshine and ventured out … Continue Reading