I‘m sorry but I think I just broke the internet! I wasn’t even planning on it!
These photos of me on the beach in Bermuda have been described (by not a single person) as the most salaciously amazing photos on the internet!
I should even just change the title of this post to #BrokeTheInternet
Hahaha! Who am I kidding? By now, you probably know I’m just messing…
Infact, I mean the exact opposite of “Break The Internet”!
Granted I was.. er… a few pounds lighter *cough* than my current post-Christmas holiday weight but there is nothing anything about that photo could break the internet! 🙂
Let’s swiftly move off this photo and check out the other photos from the beach in Bermuda!
The beach, by the way, is The Fairmont Southampton which is a private area of Horseshoe Bay Beach.
It’s also been rated as one of the best beaches in the world.
It is absolutely amazing (if you’re from the UK and are into rubbish telly like me, you might vaguely remember it from the X-Factor judges house.
Read more: Best things to do in Bermuda
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