I know this isn’t our typical post and you’d be right. This is more of a personal post but I have been overwhelmed by messages of congratulations on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter about my graduation from The University of Cambridge this weekend that I just had to share the full set of photos with you! It … Continue Reading

Some of the best destinations to visit sometimes are those places that are so far away that very few people have ever thought to venture to. One of the biggest attractions in getting off the grid to these remote destinations is that you can visit them with very few preconceived notions of what they’re like,e … Continue Reading

Moving to a different country can be one of the most exciting yet most daunting things a person can do! I have been fortunate enough to have lived, both in different countries and in vastly different cities in these different countries (I’ve lived in Africa, Europe and Asia) and can definitely say that over time, … Continue Reading

“Hello, my name is Yaya and I am an apps hoarder.” I have a habit of downloading apps on my phone with the hope of using them at some point and yet never opening them once or even acknowledgeing them until my phone start to run out of memory and I need to delete some. … Continue Reading

WARNING: Do not click on this post (or scroll down further) if you can’t handle seeing fictional villains looking gory and having a great time! 😉 Decided you’re brave enough to proceed? Great! Follow me as I walk you through that one time of the year – Halloween in London when fictional evil villains take … Continue Reading

London is filled with activities to do all year round however it gets totally transformed during winter and there are some activities that either isn’t available at any time of the year or are dramatically different during winter. Here are some things you just have to do in London this winter. 1.) Go Ice Skating … Continue Reading

Following an amazing night’s sleep at Hotel Torre Zumeltzegi (the Count’s home now converted to a hotel), I woke up to this rather mystical looking sight below, which by the way, works better than any cup of caffeine when it comes to making you awake and ready to face the day but first things first – pigging … Continue Reading

1.) Paris was originally a Roman city called “Lutetia” 2.) Spain is the largest producer of Bananas in Europe 3.) Portugal is the oldest country in Europe 4.) ‘Big Ben’ is not the name of the famous clock tower at London’s Houses of Parliament The tower itself is called the Elizabeth Tower. Big Ben is … Continue Reading

The opening of Winter Wonderland is right around the corner (I wasn’t entirely sure when they’d be opened but according to their website, the gates open from the 21st of November!). Following on from my list of things you have to do in London over winter, here’s a deeper dive into one of said activities … Continue Reading

In a shocking revelation this week – I found video footage from our first trip to Amsterdam! Okay, “shocking” is an overly dramatic way to put it (the quality of the video clips, however – now that’s shocking!). In any case, we were rather pleasantly surprised to find these videos and they pretty much capture … Continue Reading

Yup! You heard right! We’ve just released our first official Hand Luggage Only app and we’re pretty darn excited over here! I mean bouncing off the walls, quaking at the knees kinda excitement and we’d love for you to check it out and let us know what you think. Currently, we have only the Android … Continue Reading

For most of us, Australia is a pretty long way away (even from places closer like Bali, the flights are still a few hours away) so a trip to Syndey is definitely one you want to pack in as much stuff as possible. On our trip to Australia from the UK, we flew to Dubai … Continue Reading

On this particular morning of our road trip, we woke up to (surprisingly) freezing temperatures in Flagstaff, Arizona. Just a few hours ago it was so unbelievably hot (albeit in a different location) so how did things get so cold so fast? Sh*tGotRealFast. Thankfully, coming from the UK, we were all pretty prepared to deal … Continue Reading

Growing up, watercolours used to seem so amateurish to me. Probably because this was the first medium I tried to use to paint and as you probably already know, I am a terrible painter/artist. I can’t draw, I can’t really paint and even if you asked me to draw a dog now, I’m pretty sure … Continue Reading