No matter where you travel to in the world, waterfalls are always an amazing sight to see! The sight of that rushing water, cascading with at amazing speed with ferocious intensity always make for great viewing and amazing travel photos. There’s something also intimidating about the sheer strength of the waterfalls which only add more … Continue Reading

Cornwall is a delightful gem (in the south-west of the UK) and one of the few places in the UK that boasts brilliant weather. The beaches are amazing, the people delightful and the clotted cream delicious. 12 Amazing Things To See In Cornwall, England

Ngong Ping Village is one place you definitely have to visit when exploring the best things to do in  Hong Kong. It’s such a different scene from the mainland’s bright lights, fast cars and concrete, glass & steel towers. To get to the village, you can either take a cable car (the Ngong Ping 360) … Continue Reading

On arrival in Singapore, one of the first things I did was explore my neighbourhood – once I was done with my Uni work from Cambridge which had the ridiculously timed deadline of a few days after I arrived – between jet lag, assignment deadlines and general tiredness, I felt like I spent the first few … Continue Reading

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris needs no introduction. It is one of the most famous landmarks in Paris and one of its most visited sights. It is impressive in pictures but even more impressive to see in person. I was going through my photos in Paris from a few months ago and I found these … Continue Reading

In the past 12 months, I’ve picked up something of a new habit. Cave exploring! Prior to this though, I would avoid caves as much as possible. I was never a fan of wandering around aimlessly in the dark but one of the biggest realisations that changed my mind entirely was the realisation that caves … Continue Reading

Sometimes, it’s so easy to get distracted by everything that’s going on around you that you lose sight of who you truly are. It brings to mind a thing statisticians call separating “the signal” from “the noise“. “The signal” is that thing that you truly are – a truth that no one can shake, that … Continue Reading

Just realised I hadn’t put up the photos of that place we called home while we were in Santorini so here are the photos of the villa we rented while in Santorini… Don’t know if it was a great idea putting these photos up as it’s currently freezing in London and making me so nostalgic … Continue Reading

On a fairly random evening, my friends and I decided (now that I think about it) rather spontaneously to book a trip to Ibiza. In fact, I think we booked the trip first and then started to rationalise why we wanted to go away after. “Oh it’s so and so’s birthday so we could use … Continue Reading

See if you can spot Lloyd in one of these… (Photos taken in Samos, Greece)

It’s almost time to say goodbye to 2014 and welcome in a New Year! The celebration of a new year has been celebrated for millennia and is steeped in tradition, culture and heritage (both old and new) all across our planet. Wherever you are from, or whatever you call it, New Year’s Eve, St. Sylvester’s … Continue Reading

Not started your Christmas shopping yet? Don’t fret, I’ve got you covered with these 12 quirky, fun and even essential little gifts for travellers that you can give your friends and loved ones this Christmas. There are so many reasons why I want every single one of them but the biggest over-arching reason is how much … Continue Reading

It’s been a while since I’ve done a photo diary post. Granted – almost all blog posts with photos in it are a photo diary post of some sort but I haven’t done one like that solely focused on the photos. I love to talk (sometimes too much) so even though I should, there’s no … Continue Reading

Mont Saint Michel is a tiny little commune on an island in France and is one of the prettiest places to visit in France. It’s Abbey is famous the world over and it probably comes as no surprise that Mont Saint Michel is a UNESCO World Heritage site (similar to the utterly gorgeous, Saint Emilion). … Continue Reading