As you already know, we’d been planning on going skiing and we have arrived in Austria to do just that! By now you already know the drill and know that I will be keeping you updated on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter with all the details and no doubt hilarity that will ensue from what is actually my first … Continue Reading

It is so beautiful here!!! Okay, as you know, we’re currently in Austria skiing and as you can imagine with any skiing holiday, we’ve been so busy that it’s been tricky to do a blog post update hence why I have been providing more realtime updates on  Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, but I have now found … Continue Reading

If you ever find yourself driving in Iceland, you will find that you will have to make many impromptu road stops just to take in the landscape and take in a few photos. Try as you might, no one can resist doing this and it is this very act that led the 4 of us … Continue Reading

I went skiing for the first time recently – you probably know this from this post here (and here) and my countless Instagram, Facebook and Twitter updates. Before going skiing, we did all the typical planning – get ski gear, find our how to get to the town, sort out ski passes, figure out where … Continue Reading

You can see them all for free and can cover most of them on a weekend trip to Bratislava! Our trip to Bratislava was one I went on with an open mind and a sense of adventure! I’d never been before, I didn’t do much planning, didn’t know what to expect and I was looking … Continue Reading

After we left the Frost and Fire hotel, we headed straight for our next stop and a personal favourite of mine – Seljalandsfoss en-route to Hotel Skogafoss for lunch. Seljalandsfoss is the waterfall in Iceland where you can walk behind and I was excited to visit again.  It’s safe to say Georgia was pretty fascinated … Continue Reading

We’re heading to Italy again and are looking forward to an actual warm holiday! As it turns out, we’ve been on quite a few icy trips so far this year (at least 4 of the countries we’ve visited so far had snow on the ground) so it’s a welcome change to try out a sunny … Continue Reading

As per my previous post, our trip to Italy has started already and the weather has been amazing here! We’ve been so busy every day seeing the sights (which is just how I like it) and I’ve had so much I wanted to share with you at every place we’ve been in so far. If … Continue Reading

1 year ago, sat in my college room at University of Cambridge, I finally got round to writing my first proper blog post and making Hand Luggage Only a proper blog. I’d written a couple of blog posts prior to this but kept them in draft and on the 12th of April, 2014 – we … Continue Reading

A trip to Iceland is amazing in itself but seeing the Northern Lights is truly the perfect cherry on that cake! But more on that later on in this post… Now, long before arriving in Iceland, I was already looking forward to visiting Hotel Laki. This was for several reasons (including the promise of seeing … Continue Reading

Yup! We’re in Norway now for our trip to Bergen and to the Fjords! The Fjords of Norway and indeed Bergen are places we’ve wanted to visit for a while so we’re understandably excited about it. As per usual,  we’ll be posting (A LOT) on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter so do join in the fun on there … Continue Reading

The night after we saw the Northern Lights at Hotel Laki (which is an amazing place to stay and ideal to see the Northern Lights), we woke up bright and early for breakfast after which we promptly fell asleep again till lunchtime. In our defence, we’d been up till 6 am watching the Northern Lights … Continue Reading

This probably needs no introduction and is pretty much a staple of any trip to Iceland! We planned this for the tail end of our trip as it’s pretty close to the airport and it’s a nice way to relax after an activity-filled trip to Iceland. Here’s what we got up to when we visited … Continue Reading

Sometimes, I think half the fun of living in London is getting to take part in events like this! 🙂 The other day, we got invited by Pinterest to meet the fantastic James Wong (off the telly 🙂 ) for an evening making and (arguably more importantly) drinking cocktails! And boy was it fun! First … Continue Reading