Visiting the Vatican city in Rome was something of a big deal when we visited. For starters, I’d read about it, seen photos about it and heard so many stories for so long that my excitement was through the roof at finally being able to visit. Then there’s the fact that you have to prepare … Continue Reading

Jerusalem has always been a place that fascinated me. I went to a Catholic school and read all the bible stories so the idea that you could actually visit places names in the bible was just something that had always intrigued me. Arriving into Jerusalem though, I knew there was so much about this area … Continue Reading

Leaving those amazing views of Jerusalem at The Tower of David, we started off our visit to the old city of Jerusalem in the Armenian Quarter. Our visit to the Armenian quarter was fairly fleeting and more to get a sense of what it looked like. We didn’t see too much in terms of sights, … Continue Reading

Back in Jerusalem, on a very strong recommendation (and after a shower at the hotel), we headed out into town in search of dessert and cocktails. Walking around Jerusalem at night is such a different experience to what we’d had in the afternoon thus far. In the afternoon, it had been very much about religious … Continue Reading

Leaving the beautiful ancient city of Jerusalem, our next stop on the trip was an area here’s a bit of a contentious issue (to put it lightly) – The West Bank. So here’s the thing, arriving into this area, we knew there was a conflict between Israelis and Palestinians however, the true nuances behind why … Continue Reading

If you know anything about me by now, it’s that I have a deep and meaningful love of English castles. Thankfully, England has a fair few dotted all across the country that is incredible to see. Though, better still, there are a select few that you can actually stay in. This is where Studley Castle … Continue Reading

Leaving the Dead Sea, our next stop in Israel was heading for another somewhat extreme environment – the Negev Desert. The scenery as you leave the Dead Sea is pretty amazing, by the way… More specifically actually our next stop within the Negev desert was Makhtesh Ramon – the largest erosion crater in the world. … Continue Reading

The next morning, we got up bright and early for breakfast in the desert and headed over to our final stop of the trip Tel Aviv! Our very first plan in Tel Aviv involved one of my favourite things – food! It was essentially a food tour through Carmel Market – Tel Aviv’s largest market, … Continue Reading

Staying in Mount Engadine Lodge for the night turned out to be the perfect opportunity to slow down and make the most of our beautiful scenery in Alberta. Our road trip through this gorgeous part of Canada thus far had been fairly packed and having an afternoon with no plans but to drink wine and … Continue Reading

I feel like this post is gonna be more of a photo diary than anything else because of how utterly beautiful this part of Canada is. Like I could try describing it to you but it’s just one of those places/experiences that are better shown than described really. (There are, after all, only so many … Continue Reading

One of the many joys of staying in the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise is that they’ve got a fair few options here to help you make the most of the beauty that is Banff National Park; with hiking Johnston Canyon being one of the best. Like, you can decide you don’t wanna travel far and … Continue Reading

After our rather amazing drive through the Icefields Parkway and exploring the beauty of Abraham Lake, we made our way back to Banff to grab our stuff from the hotel and head over to our final stop of the trip; Lake Louise. Specifically, Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise. This time, we would be staying at the … Continue Reading

The next morning in Tel Aviv, after our busy day before traipsing across the city, we decided to take things a lot slower. See, today was Tel Aviv pride which meant a huge party across the city as 250,000 revellers descended upon Tel Aviv. Thing is though, Pride is about so much more than just … Continue Reading

As you probably know (after my constant babbling), I love a good road trip! There’s just something about the freedom of driving wherever you want and stopping whenever you want. This is exactly why we have headed out on a few road trips across the US, Canada, Scotland, Iceland and Italy (to mention but a … Continue Reading