This one is off the beaten track and one that a lot of people who visit Florida (especially from the UK) have never heard of or even considered. It effectively involves renting a tube (approximately $5 for one or $10 if you’re feeling really swanky and want one with mesh underneath to cool your bum) … Continue Reading

Right, no long rambles, I want to get right into it and share some of my favourite cities in the US to visit. Honestly, there are so many to explore, I think it might end up taking me decades to see them all!  Anyway, I’m already rambling more than I said I would! Take a … Continue Reading

If I knew a way to change the topic of this post to “Ways To DEFINITELY Get You To Travel The World For FREE” I would but for now, we will have to do with ways to help you save money when travelling and implicitly, by saving you money – help you see more of … Continue Reading

“And where is this place that offers the promise of amazing cocktails and entertainment all topped up with a stunning 360 view across not just the country it is in but some neighbouring countries in the distance?” You ask. It is 1-Altitude in Singapore. And just in case you were wondering, nope, this is not a … Continue Reading

This is one of those posts that you’re gonna need a pretty huge cuppa tea, some biscuits or perhaps even a scone or two slathered with clotted cream and (strawberry) jam to go with the post as it is rather ‘picture heavy’ so I’ll give you a minute or two to get yourself prepared. All … Continue Reading

See what I did there? Hehehe! 😉 🙂 🙂 Right, so this has been kept under wraps for too long and I can’t hold out on you longer! We’ve got some exciting news!!! We’ve been invited to explore the Basque Country in Spain, more specifically, the province of Gipuzkoa over the next few days! And … Continue Reading

We’ve all been there. You’ve arrived excited you’re so busy sightseeing and taking photos that you’ve almost forgotten entirely about the needs of your stomach which at the most awkward moment decides to start growling like a beast and won’t stop until it’s been fed. Well if that should ever happen to you when you’re … Continue Reading

We have so much to catch up on, you and I! I feel like we haven’t spoken in a while and I have so much to say and of course, I want to hear what you have to say too but in a manner that would make Veruca Salt rather proud – I want to … Continue Reading

I feel like it’s a safe assumption to make that you already know by now that we spent a rather long weekend in Gipuzkoa (which is in the Spanish Basque Country). There is a lot to tell you and so as you can imagine, this is a picture heavy post but I feel this is … Continue Reading

The Cotswolds is the epitome of quaint British beauty! The rolling hills and meadows always make for a welcome distraction from the manic-ness that is London and this is even more so when you get to celebrate your the union of your friends (this is my roundabout way of saying I went to the Cotswolds … Continue Reading

Yes, Manly is the name of a real place and the inspiration behind it is because of Capt. Arthur Phillip. Yes, I don’t really know who he is either. though apparently (we were told) the locals looked quite manly and so he thought the name apt. To get to Manly from the city centre of … Continue Reading

It is probably safe to say that our trip to Santorini was one that we had been looking forward to for quite a while! While I want to tell you amazing stories of how we went out exploring immediately we arrived and soaked up the culture and all that amazing stuff, alas, most of us … Continue Reading

Swiftly following on from our time in Oia and Fira, we woke up bright and early for our early morning pick up by George from Santorini Tours. The tour was bespoke and so no concrete plans were made without speaking to us first. Having just been to Oia and Fira, we pretty much said we’d … Continue Reading

I know this isn’t our typical post and you’d be right. This is more of a personal post but I have been overwhelmed by messages of congratulations on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter about my graduation from The University of Cambridge this weekend that I just had to share the full set of photos with you! It … Continue Reading