WARNING: Do not click on this post (or scroll down further) if you can’t handle seeing fictional villains looking gory and having a great time! 😉 Decided you’re brave enough to proceed? Great! Follow me as I walk you through that one time of the year – Halloween in London when fictional evil villains take … Continue Reading

Following an amazing night’s sleep at Hotel Torre Zumeltzegi (the Count’s home now converted to a hotel), I woke up to this rather mystical looking sight below, which by the way, works better than any cup of caffeine when it comes to making you awake and ready to face the day but first things first – pigging … Continue Reading

The opening of Winter Wonderland is right around the corner (I wasn’t entirely sure when they’d be opened but according to their website, the gates open from the 21st of November!). Following on from my list of things you have to do in London over winter, here’s a deeper dive into one of said activities … Continue Reading

For most of us, Australia is a pretty long way away (even from places closer like Bali, the flights are still a few hours away) so a trip to Syndey is definitely one you want to pack in as much stuff as possible. On our trip to Australia from the UK, we flew to Dubai … Continue Reading

On this particular morning of our road trip, we woke up to (surprisingly) freezing temperatures in Flagstaff, Arizona. Just a few hours ago it was so unbelievably hot (albeit in a different location) so how did things get so cold so fast? Sh*tGotRealFast. Thankfully, coming from the UK, we were all pretty prepared to deal … Continue Reading

Santorini needs no introduction so I’m not going to bother with all of that… Okay, fine. For the uninitiated, Santorini is one of the most picturesque Greek Islands (some would say perhaps “the most”). After exploring the more mainstream parts of Santorini on our own as well as going on a tour off the beaten … Continue Reading

“Where???” you ask. Palawan is a set of islands in the Philippines that can easily and rather justifiably be described as one of the most naturally beautiful places you can ever visit. Well, this made us book some flights and get ourselves over here for a little exploring; and we loved it.  Whilst it’s a … Continue Reading

Upon arrival in Hong Kong, as any good traveller would, we hurried off to our hotel to drop off our stuff while taking in some of the city on our ride in. Luckily, we got upgraded to a two-bedroom suite at the hotel with amazing views all round (more on that on another post). Before … Continue Reading

I love going to see stuff that most people don’t do. When in Singapore, most people head off to see the obvious shiny stuff – the Marina Bay Sands, shopping on Orchard Road, Day trips to Universal Studios and while there absolutely nowt wrong with those things, one experience I definitely recommend when in Singapore … Continue Reading

Okay, perhaps not as much the wild side as “the wild”… or at least as wild as a nature trail can be! On this afternoon in Singapore, four of us decided to go explore the MacRitchie Nature Trail (another highly recommend FREE thing to do in Singapore) however as half the party was quite jetlagged, … Continue Reading

Just in case you somehow missed the TV adverts, street lights and holiday sales promotions –  Christmas time’s just around the corner! And no one does Christmas markets quite like the Germans… One of my favourite things around the holiday season is to visit a German Christmas market. I was a late arrival on the whole … Continue Reading

I love a bit of winter snow! It somehow manages to make everything appear more magical (in doubt – check out the castle in this post here). These photos are some of my favourites from driving around the country side, visiting family and shopping to stock up on my favourite German treats! 🙂 The houses … Continue Reading

Ngong Ping Village is one place you definitely have to visit when exploring the best things to do in  Hong Kong. It’s such a different scene from the mainland’s bright lights, fast cars and concrete, glass & steel towers. To get to the village, you can either take a cable car (the Ngong Ping 360) … Continue Reading

On arrival in Singapore, one of the first things I did was explore my neighbourhood – once I was done with my Uni work from Cambridge which had the ridiculously timed deadline of a few days after I arrived – between jet lag, assignment deadlines and general tiredness, I felt like I spent the first few … Continue Reading