Grand Central Station is one of those places in New York that I often wonder why I pop in to see.
Almost every time I’ve been here, I’ve had no business visiting the station. No trains to catch, no shops to visit, no business somewhere-nearby which means it’s convenient enough to just pop in…
None of that.
So why the attraction to this place and it dawned on me as I did a timelapse; the reason why I keep coming back here is that in a lot of ways, it feels like the beating heart of the city.
It’s a point of arrival, connections and a certain energy that defines New York (to me anyway 🙂 ).
In any case, I feel like I over-theorised the reasoning behind why I like Grand Central station so much that I exhausted myself. Who cares why?
I like it (as it turns out, I’m in quite good company here) and that’s all that matter. Anyway, enough nonsense talk from my end, here are some photos I took at Grand Central Station (most of which tend to start to look alike after a while – it is 1 station after all…)
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