Remember how I said there’d been a mistake in our hotel booking in Odemira? Well, this eventually got sorted out and we swapped to the rooms booked in our original booking.

The 2 bed apartment we had at the Enigma – Nature and Water Hotel was pretty sweet as it was but these new rooms somehow managed to take things up and extra notch! Let me show you around…

I’m a sucker for a good bath tub so I was justifiably impressed!
On this day, we decided to take things very slow indeed. Eat breakfast for 2 hours while reading the newspapers (thankfully there were some in English), lounge by the pool for a while, head inside for some wine when the rain came out of nowhere, head back outside to the pool again, kinda slow.
After lunch at the hotel, we decided to head out for a bit of a jaunt along the coast.

As specific as I’d like to be, I honestly can’t remember where we even drove to. I don’t even think we were heading anywhere specifically. It was just one of those, take a turns whenever you feel like kind of moments.
Thankfully, this part of Portugal is one where you can make random spur-of-the-moment decisions like that and still end up somewhere beautiful.
Beaches, led to quiet towns…

…which in turn led to a tiny little fishing village seemingly in the middle of nowhere.

It was in this village we decided to stop for an early dinner (we would be leaving for home on a fairly early flight the next day so it made sense to be done in time to go pack).

After dinner, we headed out to watch the sun set properly before hopping back into the car and heading home.
Now, I know we didn’t really do much on this day but boy, did it feel good! I feel like we spend so much energy looking for great places to stay in and then promptly abandon said places in search of all the other sights in the area so it’s always nice to have a bit of balance and get to relax in this place you’ve spend a fair of time and money searching for…
…plus, it was absolutely fantastic to leave Portugal feeling totally refreshed, rested and yet feeling like you’d happily return all over again! See ya soon Portugal!
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