Ever since we did our road trip across the US years ago (from Florida to California over 3 weeks), I’ve wanted to see more of the South. It’s a part of the US, I never really get to visit that often and there’s just so much more to it than we seem to realise across the pond in London.
New York is so easy to get to (ergo why we’ve been there several times) – as is Florida and we’ve even been to Seattle and as far away as Hawaii (I realise as I am writing this now that there’s soooooo much of Hawaii I still haven’t shared yet – I’ve literally got thousands of photos here and hundreds of GBs of videos to go through, it was just sooo amazing but more on that in another post).

Tennessee is one state that had been playing on my mind for ages – partly because I’m really partial to country music (I grew up with it and although I’m not as versed in it as actual Tennesseean, there’s just something about country music – and I mean proper good old fashioned country music, not country pop – that I’m just into) but also because since University days, I’ve almost always had a bottle of Jack Daniels somewhere in the cupboard so a trip to find this spring/lake/water source where every drop of this comes from has kinda been playing away at the back of my mind for ages.

Oh, and let’s not forget the food – barbeque, hot chicken (found out more about this when we visited) and so many other amazing delights that made me instantly excited about eating my way through the state.
Of course, in similar style to the other photos post – I will have all the deets, the full-lowdown, pictures and even videos from this trip to share properly in upcoming blog posts. 😃 For now, I just wanted to show you a few photos from our time in Tennessee.

*I almost forgot to mention – we went to three cities in Tennessee – Nashville first, then Memphis and then Knoxville (with a pitstop in Lynchburg for a bit of Jack Daniels!)
Anyway, here are the photos from Tennessee!

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