“And where is this place that offers the promise of amazing cocktails and entertainment all topped up with a stunning 360 view across not just the country it is in but some neighbouring countries in the distance?” You ask. It is 1-Altitude in Singapore. And just in case you were wondering, nope, this is not a … Continue Reading

For almost half a year, we called Singapore home and what a glorious half a year it was. Elements of Singapore were reminiscent of being home in London (the diversity of people and food on offer for starters) though for the most part Singapore has its own unique feel. It’s easily a city/country that I’d move … Continue Reading

I’m not a huge fan of botanical gardens. It’s not that they’re not nice/pretty/colourful/fragrant enough or anything of the sort. I just don’t know that much about flowers. Sure, I know how to identify the usual suspects – roses, orchids, lilies and the like but beyond that, I’m absolutely clueless. Like if you asked me … Continue Reading

We’ve all been there. You’ve arrived excited you’re so busy sightseeing and taking photos that you’ve almost forgotten entirely about the needs of your stomach which at the most awkward moment decides to start growling like a beast and won’t stop until it’s been fed. Well if that should ever happen to you when you’re … Continue Reading

Singapore is one of the smallest countries in the world you can visit but don’t let that fool you for a second, it’s also one pretty exciting place, especially if you’re visiting Singapore for the first time. On the surface of it, Singapore seems like just a shiny collection of high-rise apartment and corporate buildings but … Continue Reading

Singapore is one city I feel lucky to have called home! A big reason why is, of course, all the fun things to do in Singapore but the unexpected nature of some of them is perhaps what really made it so special to call the city ‘home’ for a while… My move to Singapore happened … Continue Reading

Okay, perhaps not as much the wild side as “the wild”… or at least as wild as a nature trail can be! On this afternoon in Singapore, four of us decided to go explore the MacRitchie Nature Trail (another highly recommend FREE thing to do in Singapore) however as half the party was quite jetlagged, … Continue Reading

I’ve got a real soft spot for Singapore, not just because it was ‘home’ for six months but because it’s a much more diverse, culturally rich and cooler city than most people think. Of course, you’ve got the glitzy marina, the amazing glossy buildings but there is so much more to Singapore, with unique experiences … Continue Reading

Now if you’ve been keeping up with the goings-on on Hand Luggage Only, you’ll probably remember when I said I’d just booked a stay at the Marina Bay Sands for a mini staycation in Singapore. Yes, I know it’s kinda indulgent especially as I live not far from here (I could see my house from … Continue Reading

The day was a particularly hot day in Singapore… perhaps no hotter than average but when you’re still getting used to the heat and have been walking around in the heat, it starts to get pretty uncomfortable. Originally, we were looking for a beach but after getting lost in our search for the beach, we happened upon … Continue Reading

After living in Singapore for 6-months, we’ve come to know the city (and country) pretty well.  It’s one of my favourite places to visit in Asia. This is all mainly due to the epic things to do in Singapore. It’s one of those cities that can appeal to everyone. Now, you might be thinking that … Continue Reading

Right, so assignment handed in and free time restored,  we proceeded to discover more of Singapore and in what turned out to be a rather short walk, ended up at the Marina Bay. To be fair, the initial trip to the Bay was to look for either the “Gardens by the Bay” or the “Marina … Continue Reading

Walking around Singapore at night and then out of nowhere (or maybe there were warning signs and we just ignored them) this tropical thunderstorm appears lighting up the sky every few seconds and as you can imagine, I quickly whipped out my camera and captured a few shots. It’s a strange sensation being outdoors in that … Continue Reading

I need some advice! As part of my holidays anywhere, one of the things I enjoy the most is trying out local food! I’m such a foodie at heart and I genuinely get excited once I know there’s food involved in a trip anywhere. That is of course until I came across the Durian Fruit. … Continue Reading