Let’s face it, if you’re on here right now, chances are that you already are interested in travel. To some extent, I think we all are so this post isn’t at all about trying to convince you to travel or trying to tell you what you’re missing out on by now travelling more (thanks to … Continue Reading

Ignoring the seemingly ‘douchey’ title (…”travelling a lot“), let’s jump right in shall we! 🙂 [Photo: in Sri Lanka]   1.) It’s never too early for plane wine! In regular, real-life, you’d never wake up at 7am and head straight to the kitchen to open up a bottle of Pinot Grigio (or perhaps you would … Continue Reading

One of my favourite things about travel is the opportunity to see new things! Sure, there’s the whole hassle of planing the actual logistics of the trip (which contrary to how that sounds, I actually enjoy) and not to mention the dent that travel can make to your wallet but once these barriers are crossed … Continue Reading

As our lives become ever more hectic and busy, it really is important that we all make that quality ‘me time’ that often comes (albeit not exclusively) with travel. It doesn’t matter where you choose to go, how you do it or even if you stay close to home – travel, gives us the opportunity to … Continue Reading

There’s a lot of information out there about solo travel (including how great it is) but I have to admit, given half the chance, I’d much rather travel with friends. This is not a judgement about solo travel (in fact it has very little do with it as I’ve done solo travel quite a bit … Continue Reading

I consider myself to be something of an inconsistent snorer. On the whole, I don’t regularly snore however I’ve found that over the last few years (and for some reason, particular exacerbated since I moved to London) that I have moments where I become that guy that snores and either amuses or frustrates everyone else … Continue Reading

Travel has, in many ways, become laden with all sorts of expectations on what we must do, eat, or experience, that it can sometimes make us forget what we can actually take, on a more personal and less ‘physical’ level, from our travels. Travel is, at its very essence, a tool – nothing more… nothing less. Broken … Continue Reading

Europe is fun enough and well known enough to already be on your travel plans (even if you are European). There’s a lot to see and do here and even if you’re the pickiest of travellers, its easy to find a reason to want to visit Europe. It’s also fairly easy to do so as … Continue Reading

Let’s face it, as travellers, we are almost always obsessed with the idea of ‘new’. We visit certain places, have an amazing time in them and pointedly refused to return because there’s so much else to see and do out there. This need to find somewhere new is not a bad thing though… far from … Continue Reading

Christmas is a funny one because for such a ‘jolly season’, it can sometimes be so fraught with stress and hassle – all in the search of perfection, which can end up making the day itself seem quite anti-climactic, especially seeing as a good chunk of it is spent half-asleep (or perhaps even full-on napping) … Continue Reading

One of the best ways of truly living your dream and going after the kind of life you want, is to learn skills you need to take you there. Sounds cheesy but it’s just one of those really obvious things in life. Beyonce isn’t ‘Beyonce’ just because she was ‘naturally gifted at singing’, Beyonce is … Continue Reading

How to beat jet lag is something that’s absolutely worth every traveller having in their bag of tricks, especially so you can make the most of your travels. Alas, it’s also one that, can sometimes prove the trickiest to master. (*Tricky but not impossible! 😉) A little over a week ago, I was in the … Continue Reading

Truth be told, this method is one that is so obvious and doesn’t involve any crazy travel hacks or extreme cleverness. Now, although the thing itself is fairly easy to do, the financials around the savviest and most effective way to do it might not be quite as obvious. This, in essence, is what got … Continue Reading

It’s been a while since I’ve written one of these kinds of posts that I almost don’t even know where to begin. I’m a bit of a rambler and so I guess I’ll just go ahead and do that but this is something that has been playing on my mind recently and I just had … Continue Reading