I mentioned in a previous post how London is not short of sleek spaces and the ladies over at Design Box London have definitely further strengthened my argument. I found myself perusing their Facebook page the other day and I kinda got lost in all the beautiful properties they have on there – is it … Continue Reading

Simple and very quick to do! All you need are: 1.) Old tin(s) 2.) A nail (or something similar to punch holes in the tin – and a hammer of course) 3.) Tea Lights (real or fake) First things first, remove the lid on the tin – we do need a way to get our … Continue Reading

There is more inspiration in these homes than you can shake a stick at! I would like to have a version of every single one of these in my dream home (or at least element of each). I’m basically in “home lust” now… (Google it, “home lust” is definitely a legit thing. 😉 )   … Continue Reading

So, in the post where I showed you around my home – along with some knick-knacks in it, there was one item that definitely caught everyone’s eye and that, (unsurprisingly, seeing as we all love travel) is the World Map artwork on the wall. Personally, it was one of those things where the moment I saw it, I … Continue Reading