As with everywhere on this trip, we arrived in Rome in the dark cloak of night so the next morning, we were more than pleasantly surprised when we looked around us and saw the stunning rolling Roman hills beautifully contrasting that lovely blue sky! It’s definitely the right motivation you need to get you excited … Continue Reading

Rome, Milan Florence and Venice all have their charm when exploring Italy. In truth, they attract visitors the world over every year to come in droves to see them and marvel at their sights (and that’s great). Though, some of the most beautiful villages in Italy to visit also end up being some of the … Continue Reading

Rome is just one of those cities that’s bound to impress you. It’s the kinda city you visit and don’t really realise how much there is to see and do in Rome before you arrive. There are literally hundreds of the top places to visit in Rome that you’ll almost be spoilt for choice.  Honestly, … Continue Reading

Palermo welcomed us to its ancient and historic city with rain. And not the kind of rain that you can ignore for a bit but the kind that carries on till it gets everywhere – in your shoes, your pockets, your bags – everywhere. And just when you think the rain has stopped, it starts … Continue Reading

As I type this, I am quite literally knackered and just about ready to fall asleep but I had to update you quickly with some photos on what we’ve been up to so far on our road trip across Italy. Needless to say, the proper blog posts will come soon but I’m guessing you’re as … Continue Reading

Right after leaving Milan, we hit the open roads of Italy and started off our first proper drive in the rickshaw. I think it’s safe to say that this is the most terrified I was on the entire trip. Everything was so new and everyone on the roads was moving much faster than we were … Continue Reading

UNESCO World Heritage sites are an unequivocal stamp of prestige and honour on any landmark or tourist attraction. The criteria for being awarded this honour is very stringent. And, rightly so, as these UNESCO World Heritage sites are of cultural and/or physical significance and the instant this designation is placed on a site, it arguably … Continue Reading

I’ve done so many blog posts on this but I’ve finally gotten round to editing the video from our trip! 🙂 When we were in Italy I ended up going way overboard with the videos and photos I was taking and it was only when I got home and had to sift through hours of … Continue Reading

Florence is a fantastic city to behold! Even aspects of it that would seem a tad odd in other cities in the world somehow manage to be beautiful in Florence. Florence definitely packs a lot of Tuscan charm and so it’s almost certain that the best way to take in the city is to get … Continue Reading

Lake Garda is easily one of the most beautiful places in Northern Italy; it’s a total gem to explore. Not only that, it’s within easy reach of airports in Verona, Bergamo and Milan (with a little drive) and well worth a visit. That being said, there are heaps of the best things to do in … Continue Reading

We woke up on our 2nd full day in Italy to a thick cloud of fog over the Lombardy countryside. It’s gotta be said though – Fog, as unwanted as it can be when you’re up for a sunny holiday, certainly has a way of making a place look so dramatic! Without wasting too much … Continue Reading

As one of Southern Italy’s most stunning places to visit, Matera is one of those places that’s totally unique and completely gorgeous. Not only that, being one of the oldest (continually lived-in) cities in the entire world, Matera is steeped in historical sights, gorgeous vistas and a heap of yummy restaurants that you can’t miss. … Continue Reading

As per my previous post, our trip to Italy has started already and the weather has been amazing here! We’ve been so busy every day seeing the sights (which is just how I like it) and I’ve had so much I wanted to share with you at every place we’ve been in so far. If … Continue Reading

As much as I would love to take credit for deciding that this is indeed one of the most dramatic cities in Europe, other people did this way ahead of me and a trip to this city only further corroborated that designation. Orvieto truly is something else! The city is built on almost vertical cliffs … Continue Reading