I’m a big fan of pies! I don’t remember a pie I’ve ever said no to. Lately, I’ve been house hunting and spending ages looking at amazing homes on the internet and so to distract myself (intentionally or otherwise) my mind keep turning to pies. This is nothing new – I have my mind on … Continue Reading

You arrive in the hotel after an early morning flight – what the first thing you do? Get some sustenance! Upon arrival in Porto, this is exactly what we did –  got my priorities straight you see. Hehehe! After wandering around for a bit, we finally found this restaurant on the waterfront and figured it was … Continue Reading

I’ve slowly come to the realisation that a lot of people I know like Pork Pies. They’re quintessentially British and a traditional staple across the UK. This Christmas, I figured I’d try my hands at making one using a hybrid of two recipes and things having run quite swimmingly, I figured I’d share the results … Continue Reading