As you already know from our instagram and snapchat (@HandLuggageOnly), we recently returned to South Africa to explore its stunning Eastern Cape and spend some time in the beautiful city of Port Elizabeth. When everyone thinks of South Africa, most people’s thoughts tend to go towards Kruger National Park or Cape Town before it starts … Continue Reading

After a fun morning, zip-lining and taking in the scenery of South Africa’s stunning Eastern Cape, I’d developed a fully grown obsession with trying to see as much as possible as I could of the area. One bit that you will see (and probably not be able to explore as a tourist) are the ravines … Continue Reading

After the day in the vineyard and checking out Plettenberg bay, I figured it was high time to head back to Tsitsikamma in search of food. We’d been so so eager to cram as many sights as possible into the day that, save for a mid-afternoon gorge on beef biltong, we’d pretty much forgotten all about food! Back … Continue Reading