After exploring Kanazawa, the day before, we decided to make a stopover to Yokohama which is actually a pretty nifty 30 minutes from Narita Airport (and Tokyo, for that matter) by train. It’s funny, we’ve visited Tokyo twice before and for some reason we’d never ventured beyond the city limits to visit Yokohama which is … Continue Reading

After a good nights sleep in our Ryokan the day before, we headed straight for breakfast of fish, miso soup and rice before heading out to explore the busier side of Yokohama. After gorging the lot, we packed up our bags and hopped on the Yokohama Seaside Line with the Yokohama Bay Hotel in sight. … Continue Reading

After last nights drinks at Miyakobashi Shotengai Street, we decided it best to have a little lie-in before hitting the town. Now, there was once spot I really wanted to visit since we arrived in Yokohama and that is the Sankeien Garden that opened over a hundred years ago. Now, the thing that makes this … Continue Reading