We’ve already covered off the islands that should be on your travel radar so I take it you don’t need much of an introduction to this (check out the previous post if you do) but I guess what wasn’t mentioned in that post was that one of these islands contains one of the most secluded and beautifulest (yes, I know that’s not a word but it should be!) beaches you’ve ever seen. You’ve probably seen a few photos dotted around the blog (like here and here) but here’s the definitive post on the beach in Maya Bay on Phi Phi Islands in Thailand. First off though, let’s get a few bits of admin out of the way 😉
Okay, I’m gonna say how we got there from the the UK. First we took a flight, then another flight, then a third flight followed by a taxi ride, then a boat ride (Phuket to Phi Phi) followed another boat ride (this time on a speedboat from one island to the other) and then we swam to an opening in a rock, clutching on to ropes to get through the opening (there were many grazed knees at this point) and finally we walked to through a little vegetation (I may start describing this to my friends as a ‘huge forest!’…) to finally arrive on the beach. I’ve gotta add though that the moment you step on it, you truly understand why you made the effort to get there.
1.) Pack some food and drinks with you. There is no where to buy anything on there. Luckily, we had our own private speedboat (which was actually quite affordable and very similar in price to the shared ones) and part of our package included lots of drinks, fruits and food. It is very hot on the island so at the very least, take some water with you.
2.) Get something waterproof (perhaps waterproof sacks) to take your cameras, phones and anything you don’t want to get wet with you when you have to swim across. Again, we didn’t have to as it came with the boat but just remember to ask just in case as there are loads to buy on the mainland. Some examples of said waterproof items are here, here and here.
3.) Don’t go picking random stuff in the water on the beach. My friend Georgia did and she ended up getting pinched by tiniest crab ever! To be fair, I was doing the same thing (i.e. letting the same sift through my fingers as it is one of the finest sands I’ve ever seen) and so I was kinda lucky I didn’t get crab-pinched.
4.) Oh and lest I forget, before you jump into the water, maybe make sure you’ve changed out of your regular clothes and have your swimwear on. I was so excited when the speedboat arrived at the bay that I jumped in fully clothed and it was only after I arrived at the beach did I realise that I’d swam in the only clothes I brought with me. Georgia and Lloyd however had their swimwear on and were nice and dry all day. Funnily enough, I did remember to take my shoes off though…
Now that you’re all prepared – LET THE PHOTO CONSUMPTION COMMENCE!!! 🙂
Above are the aforementioned ropes we had to grasp onto and the opening in the rock leading to Maya Bay!
Finally on the island!!! (Note the graze on my leg?)
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