I am one of those people that never learned to ski growing up. In fact, I didn’t really start skiing until around six years ago. That being said, skiing is now one of my favourite winter trips to go on… and, surprisingly (or perhaps not), not just because of the skiing itself.
As they say, ‘practice makes perfect’ when it comes to learning something new but I can honestly say this is never the case with skiing! Or maybe it’s just me?
Truth be told, it’s a constant learning curve that never really ends. I suppose it’s a bit like cooking really, you always find new little tricks and techniques that make it better. (*Somehow, I just knew my thoughts on skiing would just turn back to food! 😋)
Anyway, for me, I learned to ski as an adult. I’m never as good as those five-year-old kids that seem to just glide down the slopes, either.
You know, they almost look cocky in their abilities. I’m aware I sound like a proper monster calling a five-year-old cocky but once you’ve seen one glide down the slopes (and you’re looking like a slice of pizza falling down the slopes) you’ll understand why.
Putting my immense jealousy of kid-skiers aside, I’m always up for learning and trying my best to get better. After starting on the nursery slopes (six years ago), I can now get myself down a red slope in one piece.
You see, skiing is hard work, totally exhausting but immensely fun (if you can get past the fear).
And, to be honest, it’s the hard-hard-work and exhaustion (literally every muscle will ache) that nobody really tells you before a trip.
I’m so used to seeing pictures of glossy, pristine looking people that look effortlessly fashionable in their cool gear and snazzy sunglasses on the slopes. And you know what, I kinda envy those people!
Trust me when I say, I look like a bloated and sticky bonbon once I’ve finished on the slopes. Which always makes me wonder if those fashion-forward people are actually skiing at all? Again, that jealousy is creeping in! (But seriously, how do they look so good? 😆)
Anyway, I’m digressing, the fear of skiing is totally rational. I mean, who was it that thought it would be a good idea to slip on some slippery fibreglass and hurl yourself off an icy mountain? I have to admit though, it’s so much fun, especially as (with each trip) you can see your skiing ability getting better and better.
That why I was so excited about our ski trip to Tignes! This was going to be the perfect opportunity to brush up on my skills, perfect my sweaty bonbon look 😉 and explore some more of the French Alps.
Now, with any ski trip, skiing is only really part of the holiday and it’s the other amazing things that can really make a ski trip unforgettable.
After leaving London we flew straight over to Geneva, which is one of the closest main airports to Tignes. Thankfully, there are loads of transfer companies that can whisk you off from Geneva Airport straight to the ski slopes in France itself and they’re pretty easy to book online.
Within a few hours, and a little cat nap, we’d arrived into Tignes. It was one of those moments where you close your eyes on the highway in Switzerland and wake up into the wintery wonderland of Tignes itself. It felt magical. (Of course, you can also drive but I think insurance premiums go up by a weirdly huge amount when you’re going across two different countries – at least that’s what we found when we were looking to drive from Lake Como to a little town in Switzerland).
InTignes, we’d booked into a Boutique Chalet Company property called, Black Diamond in Tignes. Now, Black Diamond isn’t just a residence that hands you the keys and sees you next at check out, it’s so much more.
Probably, one of the easiest ways to describe Black Diamond (and the Boutique Chalet Company) is as a sort of cool hybrid between a luxury chalet, a cool and quirky hotel and a pretty suave members club.

Within minutes of us arriving, we had a piping hot tea in hand and were taken straight to our chalet, which was called Charlie. As we walked past our steam rooms, sauna and pool, I could tell this was going to be a very special place.
After a few twists and turns, we arrived at the glass elevator that would take us to our chalet. It almost felt like the lift from ‘Charlie And The Chocolate Factory’, within seconds, the glass doors opened onto our new home for the next few days.
It looked incredible.
Without even batting an eyelid, I was off exploring and skipping through our chalet to explore each and every room – very much like Augustus Gloop around chocolate (a-la-Charlie and the Chocolate factory.

Each room was totally different with cool and fun features. I mean, our dining room table was made from the wheel of an actual aeroplane!
As I wandered through the chalet, I quickly came to a set of metal stairs that once belonged to the very same aeroplane. As you can imagine, I swiftly, ran up them to see what was up there.
Now, at this point, I’m almost certain I let out a little shriek! Upstairs was actually the cockpit of the aeroplane itself!
Once part of the 1950’s plane (called, Nord Noratlas), the plane and the cockpit was now over very own games room.
This was unreal.

Without even questioning anything, Yaya and I both scrambled to have a go in the cockpit first! Instantly, we reverted to 10-year-olds! This was the point when I realised we’re probably not that great at sharing! 🤣
Eventually, we headed back downstairs to meet our chef and concierge! Yup, you read that right, we had our own little team around us. (Told you this place was pretty incredible).

After settling in, we popped down to town to get our ski gear from Intersport which the team from Black Diamond then carted back to the warm room at the chalet for us. With that, we were all prepped for our day of skiing tomorrow! ⛷⛷💨

All this took us till early evening, by which point my hunger beast had truly come into play! Dinner time couldn’t come sooner and when it did (after a few cocktails and French mulled wine – not sure what it’s actually called in French), it was so worth it!
Our chef had conjured up a homemade 3-course menu that was so tasty.
We started off with a toasted brioche with a creamy mushroom sauce, served with a side of steamed spinach, followed by fresh fish and the best pudding ever… chocolate soufflé.

And with our tummies full, we headed off to bed for a toasty night sleep before our skiing adventure tomorrow. 😁
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