As you know from Instagram, we visited Croatia recently and as you could probably tell from the numerous photos we kept posting, Croatia is an amazing place to visit! It’s very little wonder why it’s quickly becoming a favourite holiday destination for quite a lot of us.
This trip to Croatia was my very first to the country and so I didn’t quite know what to expect.
My expectations were high as my friends had been going on and on about how amazing it was and I kid you not, the first photo I ever saw of Croatia on Facebook (which a friend posted) off their mobile phone (unedited, I might add) was so beautiful that I actually thought it was a fake photo or a painting of some sort. No word of a lie.
Needless to say, from that moment, I’ve been very keen to visit.
Fast forward to this Saturday morning – we woke up early in our hotel in Split and headed to the ferry port to get a ferry to an island.
I didn’t even know what the island was called until we got there. Okay, that was due to laziness on my part; Lloyd did know where we were headed and that was good enough for me.
I found out soon enough that we were headed to an island called Solta (actually pronouned Shh-olta) which is just about an hour away from Split.
By the way, did you know lots of scenes from Game of Thrones are filmed in Split? More on that in another blog post of course… (I couldn’t cram it all in this one).
When we arrived in Solta, I was still a bit groggy from having woken up quite early but as soon as we arrived as I realised how beautiful it was, my sleepiness soon gave way to adrenaline fuelled exciteness at the prospect of exploring this amazing little island.
We were only at the harbour at this stage and I already liked what I saw.
The easiest way for me to describe how beautiful this island is is probably to tell you the many reasons why you’ll end up falling in love with Solta, one of the gorgeous islands in Croatia!
First off though, how amazing is that sunrise?
1.) These beautiful little seaside villages and amazing beaches
2.) The historic buildings
3.) The quaint little villages…
4.) … and the amazing houses in these villages which are so reminiscent of villages in the south of France.
5.) The bees! Croatians love their bees are rightly so – bees are good for the environment and their honey is one of better natural sugars to have! 🙂
By the way, we visited this bee farm where the owner was the third generation of beekeepers in the family!
Look at the picture of him as a little child below along with his father and grandfather.
He’s such a charming character and so funny too. If you visit the island, pop by and tell him we said hi! His website is and has all the details you’d need to know about the farm and the bees.
Seriously, he knows everything that’s anything about bees and it’s a lot more fascinating than most people realise!
That’s pollen collected by the bees, by the way… and you can eat it!
Question: “What did the sushi say to the bee?”
Answer: “Wasabi!”
Hehehe! Pardon my lame jokes, I just couldn’t help myself. My friend told me this joke a while back and I’ve been itching to tell someone for ages and this just seemed like the perfect op! 😉
This (below) is what been hives look like in the wild, by the way…
These villages are just too adorable! You can rent houses here too and get lost in these amazing little villages!
There are also quite a few sea sides villages too (not just the initial one, despite it being a rather small island) so you’ll have a fair bit of choice as to where to stay on the island…
6.) The family-owned wineries! (So much wine was drunk on this trip. So. Much. Wine!)
7.) The aperitifs! I’d never really done the whole aperitifs thing before Croatia but pre-meal drinks are now a must when dining out!
Someone’s made a friend! Introducing, Tesla the cat – that kitty cat is such a sucker for strokes! 😉
8.) The snacks. Home grown olives, home baked bread, home made olive pastes… Amazing! Even the aperitifs were home made!
9.) The wine! Random fact – red wine is actually referred to as black wine in Croatia. Another random fact – green olives and black olives are exactly the same kind of olives, the green ones are just harvested earlier and the black ones are left to sort ‘ripen’ for a bit longer on the trees before they are harvested.
10.) The stunning view of the island… Even as you leave, the island seems to be tempting you to come back with it sheer beauty!
But alas, Split called along with a ride to our next stop on our trip across Croatia! 🙂
I imagine at this point, you now see how easy it is to fall in love with Solta Island!
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