This is the one cable you’ll ever need on your travels and you’ll soon see why.
I gotta admit, Kickstarter is something of a traveler’s gem. It’s not the place you’d think to look at first when planning your travels but every so often, there come some game changers that make it totally worth perusing over the site.
Don’t get me wrong, there are some duds on Kickstarter but on the rare occasion that you find something amazing and game changing, I feel like I need to shout about it from the rooftops.
That thing right now is the MEEM memory cable.
When I first saw it, I wasn’t too sure what it was for. I assumed it was a music cable of some sort but within seconds of scrolling through, I realised why it’s special. This cable effectively backs up your phone while you charge it.
If you’ve ever lost your phone, had it stolen or dropped it in water, you’ll start to realise why this is quite a cool feature to have. I only ever used to back my phone up on my computer, which I never connected to unless I was looking to update the music on my phone. Needless to say, this meant that I could go for weeks without really backing up my phone which meant if I lost/damaged my phone in that period, I’d have lost weeks of photos/videos and whatever else was on it. Linking the back up system to something I do with my phone everyday (i.e. charging it) means that I am backed up regularly.
You can always replace a lost phone – it’ll cost you but it’s replaceable. The photos you’ve taken on the phone however, that’s a different case entirely so backing up is a HUGE deal. 😉
The thing about your phone is the photos you end up taking on there are always so different to any other camera you have (perhaps mostly because this is where all the partying photos live 😉 ) but as phone cameras improve in quiality over the years, the reliance on phones to photograph interesting moments is a lot higher than it’s ever been (case in point, this day in London).
Oh, and there’s of course the option to back things up to the cloud which, although is a great option at first, comes capped with limits of how much storage you can have for free (I think Apple’s free version is 5GB) which means you’ll soon enough have to pay a monthly fee to back your phone up if you want to use the cloud to back it up on the go. (And once you start, that’s it – you’re committed). 🙂 This cable has up to 32GB of storage which is perfect for my backups.
Best part about discovering this is, it’s still early in the day to be able to get in on the Kickstarter action on their page. Thankfully, the first cheaper tiers are still available (but only just about) and so it’s easy enough to score one with a discount.
It’s got great reviews on The BBC and GQ magazine so I can’t wait to take this for a proper spin!
What do you reckon?
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