I should really start our the ‘tale’ of our trip to Turkey from the very beginning but just in the same way I like to skip mains and go straight for dessert and wine, I’m going to impatiently skip the beginning till later.
Arriving in Turkey, we stayed at the Rixos Premium Göcek (a bargain Lloyd found at the very last minute) which has as part of their all-inclusive offering, had a boat ride exploring the nearby islands. Needless to say, we booked on the very first trip available!
The weather was perfect for it too. It was nice and sunny (almost too sunny if you weren’t underneath the shade) and the silhouette of rolling hills made for the perfect sailing vista.
Before long, we docked our boats at the first island and decided to hop into the water to cool off that Turkish heat!
I can not even begin to tell you how refreshing it was!
We lazily bobbed about in the water, simultaneously making the most of the cool waters and the sunshine…
…before heading back onto the boat for a Turkish ‘beverage’ or two.
The Turkish beers weren’t enough to keep us away for too long though and before you knew it, we were all attempting to see who could jump the furthest intot the water. An absolutely pointless ‘game’ but isn’t that the case with all the best games.
I think it’s safe to say I won’t this game (not sure what the criteria for winning was but I’m just gonna claim my winning prize anyway).
This pattern carried on from island to island. Relaxing in the sunshine with a beer, jumping in for a dip, marvelling at the other islands as we sailed past them… you get the drill.
We carried on like this for hours till the sun slowly started to set and we made our way (very slowly) back to the hotel.
The best part of all of this was that even though we’d barely done anything all day, it felt like we’d accomplished so much. It’s been such a long time since we just chilled like this and it felt absolutely brilliant. No rushing from one sight to the other trying to cram in as much as possible into the day. Just a lazy long afternoon spent on a boat, enjoying what I have come to consider as true Turkish delights! I can not recommend this nearly enough. 🙂
I almost forgot to say – Our original Instagram account is back! (The one at @HandLuggageOnly) We’re going to be using both the new and old one but after 4 weeks, it’s good to have our account recovered from whoever hacked it. 🙂
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