When we visited the Maldives for the first time, the original plan was to stay in the Maldives for 2 weeks but somewhere along the line, we got sidetracked by the island beauty that is Sri Lanka and ended up deciding to split our time between both places, spending 5 days in the Maldives (6 nights in total) and a week in Sri Lanka.
Don’t get me wrong, Sri Lanka was absolutely great fun but 5 days in the Maldives just didn’t feel like enough time in the Maldives. Although, I didn’t think so at the time, I arrived back in the UK wishing we’d spent more time in the Maldives and subsequently started plotting our return to these amazing islands.
Planning soon became reality and long story short, before long, we were back in the Maldives and on a sea plane heading to what is easily one of the most amazing island resorts I’ve had the pleasure of staying in – The Angsana Velavaru.

We were quickly whisked away, after a pitstop for a cool treat and even cooler towels, to what would be home for the next few days – an In Ocean sunset villa!

Now, the thing about the Angsana Velavaru Ocean villas that’s truly special and sets it apart from other water villas (attached to a ‘mainland’ via a bridge) are that these ocean villas in the Angsana Velavaru are on their own in the ocean (albeit connected via a 5 minute boat ride to the other ‘mainland’) and it truly leaves you with a very different experience of the Maldives (kinda a bit like ‘connected-escapism’ – a totally made up term which I see as sort of eating your cake and having it).

Anyway, let me show you around… (welcome coconut water in-hand of course).

The villas here are absolutely huge and it’s the only water villas I’ve seen (in person and on the internet) that has an upstairs bit too. Oh, and let’s not forget about that pool! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise – having your own pool is uh-mazing!!!

Before we left London, I’d indulged a fair bit at the airport lounge and so the entire flight over to the Maldives, I don’t think I slept a wink, that; coupled with the late nights I’d been having for weeks prior (hence why you sometimes see random blog posts appearing at 3 am UK time 😀 ) and jetlag meant that I was absolutely knackered and had no plans but to eat sleep and eat some more.

I made a bee-line for the Azzurro Restaurant where I started with calamari before moving on to the lamb and pasta (seems like an odd combo but it totally works) and finishing off with cheese cake (which as you can see from our video there – I just couldn’t get enough of).
Lloyd went for nachos, a chicken wrap and a fruit and chocolate platter for dessert.

Okay, I am not one for comparing places (I tend to think each place should stand on its own merit rather than being given some merit based on its relativeness to somewhere else – like for example, how to you compare say Marrakesh to Hong Kong – they’re both fantastic places in their own rights) but I have to take exception with this one and say the food I had at this restaurant was hands-down one of the best I’ve had in the Maldives. Something which surprised me even more considering I went pretty ‘vanillla’ with the menu and went for pretty obvious choices (for myself anyway) – it was just so soooo so good!

Given all that I’d eaten, I promptly fell asleep right after lunch and awoke just in time for dinner. Thankfully, it started raining while I was asleep, effectively reducing my FOMO (fear of missing out, for the uninitiated) to bare minimum levels.

The flip-side of the rain though was that our sunset/candle-lit beach barbecue, which we had planned for the evening had to be moved indoors but given how amazing this place is (and how surprisingly ravenous I was) you’ll hear no complaints from me. 🙂 (Also, coming from the UK, you understand that the rain does whatever it wants whenever it wants and you just need to get with the programme… 😀 ).

The sunset by the way was incredible (even with the rain) and the perfect accompaniment for our barbecue feast… and yes, I did get the cheesecake again. (By this point, I was certain my early Uni days cheesecake addiction was returning in full-force – I used to eat family sized cheesecakes all on my own in one sitting back then; something I daren’t try these days for fear of not fitting into any of my clothes).

With that, we called it a night (only after being carrying on at dinner for almost 4 hours) and headed back on the boat to our amazing island home thoroughly pleased and very very full! 😉
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