We arrived in Iceland to find that there was a storm warning (which we chose to ignore) but the next day, we woke up to find a couple of distressing emails. Activities we had booked for the weekend had all been cancelled due to the storm!
Turns out, the storm was going to be one of the worst ones of the year and everyone everywhere (even random strangers at the car park) told us to hunker down and stay in Reykjavik.
Needless to say, it was pretty serious!
The way I handle issues like this is to tackle them head on – not only does working on a solution make you feel better than aimless worrying, actually reaching a a solution quite literally makes the problem go away, so after a few minutes of initial panic (which is required in times like this) we had to throw the entire itinerary for the weekend out of the window and re-jig our plans. We moved things around and before you know it, we had a full and dare I say, brilliant itinerary planned for the weekend. This is one of those situations, I constantly go on about where I hammer on about needing to be flexible and open to change and it was a true ‘practise what you preach’ moment! 🙂
Long story short, the new plan was to brave as much of the storm as we possibly can to make it to the next item on our newly rejigged itinerary! By the way, if you’re driving in Iceland, a good website to remember is road.is – it is the official road monitoring website in Iceland tells you where to go and where not to go. It’s absolutely essential when the weather gets a bit dodgy in Iceland and truly made a huge difference!
Itinerary sorted, we ended up having less time in Reykjavik than initially planned for the day so we had a whistle stop walk around the town! Seeing as we’d been before, we did skip a few places made a bee-line straight for the church!
Sights seen, tours rescheduled, we popped into the car and braved what was the windiest and most terrifying winter conditions I have ever been in! At one point, we couldn’t even see anything more than a couple of metres ahead… All part of the adventure I say! 🙂
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