I’m not a huge fan of botanical gardens. It’s not that they’re not nice/pretty/colourful/fragrant enough or anything of the sort. I just don’t know that much about flowers. Sure, I know how to identify the usual suspects – roses, orchids, lilies and the like but beyond that, I’m absolutely clueless. Like if you asked me to go to a florist (at this exact moment) and pick out some hydrangeas, I would have no clue what I’m looking for! I’ve heard the name but have no idea what the flowers look like. Then again, I’m the same with birds, I can point our a chicken, a bald eagle, an african parrot, a flamingo and a few other birds but once you start to go beyond basic knowledge, I’ve got no clue. Like what’s the difference between a falcon and a hawk? How do you tell the two apart?
Anyhooooo, when we were in Singapore, one thing that kept coming up on lists of things to do in Singapore was a visit to Flower Dome and Cloud Forest and I figured “Hey, why not”. It was also threatening to rain so I figured it kinda made sense to get somewhere sheltered.
Days in Singapore are pretty hot and so we were kinda over-heating by the time we got in and I remember just stepping into to Cloud Forest and being hit by the cool air-conditioning. I didn’t even question it (or why plants need air-conditioning) and almost went running in, pleased to be out of the heat. By the way, entry to bothFlower Dome and Cloud Forest is SGD$28 for non-residents SGD$20 for residents.
It’s much easier to let the pictures show you what being in the Flower Dome and Cloud Forest are I guess so I’m gonna leave the photos to do the talking on my behalf (which is fantastic as I’m not sure I would know how else to describe them). :- )We’ll start off with the Cloud Forest…
Next up, we moved to the Flower Dome… and oh, remember how I said it was going to rain? Well it did rain and it rained as we were running from the Cloud Forest to the Flower Dome. The timing of my plans not to get wet were pretty off but it ended up being a blessing in disguise. In that heat, the rain was more than welcome! 🙂
I have to admit, as much as I was averse to visiting a Botanical garden, I was quite taken by these ones. I wouldn’t class it as a place to visit to see more flowers however, it seems like a nice place to while away an afternoon, take a good book with you and just chill out – albeit at a somewhat expensive price for the convenience but then again, Singapore wouldn’t be the most expensive city in the world now would it if everything was so reasonably priced! 😉 Hehehe! 🙂
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