Heads up – this is one huge post so this is probably the time to make yourself a huge mug pot of tea (or wine – we won’t judge) and try to find those biscuits you pretend you don’t know where you stashed them but we all know has been stowed for a ‘rainy day’ (or is that just me?).
Within minutes of arriving in Male again, we were picked up by another boat and whisked off to our latest home in the Maldives – The Kurumba.
Within 10 minutes, we arrived at The Kurumba. The Kurumba is one of the closest island to Male and the very first 5 resort to open in the Maldives! (That’s a piece of Maldivian history right there). 😉
The Kurumba is also on one of the biggest islands in the Maldives and it’s sheer size means that there’s soooooo much on to do and see on this island (as we were very keen to find out).
We were welcomed with cold towels (a Maldivian essential) and delicious coconut sorbets. As it turns out, Kurumba means ‘coconut’ and this was a theme than ran throughout the resort.
(That photo above is what happens when you’re so engrossed in your sorbet and decide to leave your camera with your friends).
We meandered through the resort and headed over in a golf buggy to our villas…
…which it turns out, has some of the very best views on the island!
We’re talking about that ‘bed to beach’ lifestyle here! 🙂 (And I’m a huge fan of that!)
The only way to get thing started of course was with a cool and rather refreshing cocktail!
Told you the coconut theme would start to reveal itself – a theme I very happily leaned into!
I’m a huge fan of the outdoor shower and baths the Maldives seem to do so well so you can imagine the delight on my face when I saw this! 🙂
We barely had time for lunch, a splash in the pool and a snorkel before we had to manically run to the dock for a sunset and dolphin cruise!
Almost as soon as we left, the dolphins came out to play!
We were joined by other neighbouring islands and the dolphins (attention-whore that they are 😉 ), came out in their droves.
All of this dolphin-watching was of course accompanied by endless glasses of bubbly… 🙂 and a new found skill. Try holding onto the side of the boat with one hand, taking a photo with the other and drinking your glass of bubbles while trying (successfully, I might add) not to spill your bubbles on yourself.
A sensible man would held off the bubbly while trying to take photos but apparently, I am not a sensible man. Every time I was asked if I wanted a top up my only answer was “Yes please!“. An answer that eventually led my wine-addled mind into deciding we’d just seen a ‘litter of dolphins’ (and yes, I was very aware it wasn’t right at the time but that’s as good at that point in time 🙂 ).
The dolphin watching was absolutely amazing. They came out and jumped, swam underneath the boat and absolutely loved the attention. Definitely one of those ‘Maldives memories’ that stays with you!
Eventually, we decided to move our attention to the setting sun. A gloriously essential Maldivian sight!
As the sun dipped, we headed back to the island…
…in time for a cheeky cocktail and a change for what promised to be an interesting dinner!
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