For the longest time, I’ve had this dream of renting a rustic old Tuscan farmhouse and using this as my base to explore Italy properly. The choice of Tuscany probably comes as no surprise as I keep banging on and on about how much it’s easily one of my favourite regions in Italy – especially … Continue Reading

The last couple of weeks have been a pretty manic flurry of activity across multiple cities, as you can probably tell from our Instagram posts (all the deets are on there so I won’t rehash them on here). Even in the midst of all of this travel (there was one point where we were in … Continue Reading

After an amazing (and very relaxed) first day on our surprise trip to Verona (all booked through what I now call our personal travel concierge –, I woke up almost unbelievably well-rested and so eager to get out and explore Verona! We gobbled down breakfast at record speed and headed off to explore one … Continue Reading

From the stunning cites like Rome, coastal regions like Cinque Terre and the incredible villages in southern regions, Italy is one of the most diverse European countries to visit. That being said, it can get pretty bamboozling to plan a trip to see as much as possible. This is so true when there’s so much … Continue Reading

After our day in Lake Como, we left our hotel in Milan in search of what would be our new home for the next week – our very own Tuscan farmhouse! Our farmhouse was located pretty much on its own (with no neighbours so to speak) about halfway between San Miniato and San Gimignano and … Continue Reading

All the photos from my recent trip to Florence… I will try to keep this within the remits of a photo diary and so I won’t rehash the sights, sounds and tastes of Florence (already did that in this post)! There are quite a few photos here so I’ve split it into two posts otherwise it would take forever … Continue Reading

Probably one of Italy’s most famous cities to visit, Pisa is one place that’s well worth a visit when you’re in Italy. Now, it’s likely you’ve already heard about the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but there’s so much more to the city. There are heaps of the best things to do in Pisa dotted all … Continue Reading

You might have guessed by now, my love for Italy is deep, real and very, very meaningful. this is exactly why I wanted to share some gorgeous places to visit in Italy that I’m hoping you’ll love.  You’ll have probably also guessed by now that I just can’t stop speaking about Italy and to be … Continue Reading

Sicily is a beautiful island in Italy to visit, with an incredible mix of historic towns, beautiful beaches and volcanic vistas. Truth be told, there are so many of the best places in Sicily to visit that you’ll be spoilt for choice.  With bustling cities like Palermo and Catania and the gorgeous Scala di Turchi, … Continue Reading

Italy is a totally diverse country to explore! Especially with the gorgeous spots in the south of Italy being totally different from the best places in northern Italy. And, truth be told, this is what makes Italy so great to visit in my opinion. It’s long history, gorgeous natural sights and the yummiest dishes.  From … Continue Reading

Venice is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and easily the most romantic cities in Italy. I know Paris is well-known for being ‘the romantic city’ but don’t be fooled, Venice easily rivals Paris for this title. Plus it has amazing ice creams so for me. It absolutely wins! 🙂 Venice is so … Continue Reading

Visiting Pompeii was perhaps one of the most rewarding yet one of the most stressful last-minute decisions I’ve ever made travelling. I’d really wanted to visit Pompeii for quite a while and the road trip seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so however due to the fact that we’d arrive in The Amalfi coast … Continue Reading

Visiting the Vatican city in Rome was something of a big deal when we visited. For starters, I’d read about it, seen photos about it and heard so many stories for so long that my excitement was through the roof at finally being able to visit. Then there’s the fact that you have to prepare … Continue Reading

Rome is such an amazing city – this almost goes without saying! It’s such an overwhelming city – in a very good way, of course. There’s just so much to see and do here that it can sometimes feels a tad too much. For instance, when it comes to sights – a weekend is just … Continue Reading