All that walking around San Gimignano works up an appetitite that even the finest of wines is unable to satisfy. As a result, we pretty much spent the entire drive back from San Gimignano looking out for a decent Italian restaurant. If there’s anything I learnt from our Italian rickshaw adventure, it was definitely the … Continue Reading

Verona is easily one of the most under-rated cities in Italy! I’ve said it over and over again but I keep repeating it because it’s sooo true. We think of Italy and Rome, Florence, Amalfi Coast and so many other places just come to mind long before Verona but Verona deserves its spot at the forefront … Continue Reading

Rome is beautiful, busy, sometimes manically so and one Italian city I just knew I had to spend ‘proper time’ in. Like none of that racing from sight to sight and instead more time for Aperol spritz and gelato! I wanted to enjoy Rome at my own pace, eat as much delicious food as possible, … Continue Reading

Swiftly following on from the 30 things you need to know before visiting Italy and a little inspired by this table cloth (via our snapchat @HandLuggageOnly – see tweet below), I figured it made sense to accompany that little guide with a food section. A food guide to Italy! (Probably a tacky souvenir to have but actually … Continue Reading

One of the best things about Italy is how diverse the country is. I mean, you’ve got gorgeous lakes like Como in the north, the best Italian Islands to visit, and picturesque cities like Rome, Bologna and Matera, too. Plus, that’s before we even broach the subject of gelato. I know I harp on about … Continue Reading

Italy is one of the most beautiful countries to visit in Europe, nay, the world! My love for this country goes almost as deep as my love of chocolate-flavoured-anything, which I feel no remorse about and no reason to apologise for! Some favourite, off the top of my head, is the stunning Tuscan towns, the gorgeous … Continue Reading

Perched in the south of the country, Naples is one incredible Italian city to visit. Not only that, it’s really easy to visit if you’re travelling internationally or as part of a wider Italian road trip, too. Plus, being one of the south’s biggest cities means that there’s a heap of the best things to … Continue Reading

Perched right on the coast of Sicily, the Italian city of Catania has a lot going for it! With a history dating back thousands of years, there are heaps of the best things to do in Catania – both in and just outside the city.  In lots of ways, us included, Catania is seen as … Continue Reading

A stay in Tuscany would be incomplete without a visit to my favourite Italian city – Florence and so, despite the grey clouds and rain earlier in the day, we jumped into the car, leaving our Tuscan farmhouse behind and made our way slowly to Florence. I’ve been to Florence so many times in the … Continue Reading

Italy is an incredible country and a place that has so many different experiences and places to visit. From the big cities of Italy, the gorgeous region of Cinque Terre and the national parks of Italy, there’s a whole bunch of places that I’m almost certain you’ll love. That being said, there’s also a huge … Continue Reading

The last time we were in Italy on a road trip (in a rickshaw), one place we really wanted to visit was San Gimignano. We had lots of people recommend it on Instagram and Facebook yet for some reason or the other, we never quite made it to San Gimignano. Well, this time, we had … Continue Reading

These are the photos from our trip to Cinque Terre in Italy! Each of these 5 UNESCO World Heritage sites is so unique and so beautiful that I genuinely struggled to cram all the photos taken into one blog post (even for a photo heavy blog post, it would have been way too many photos) … Continue Reading

Hands down, Tuscany is easily one of the best places in Italy to visit – especially if you love a good mix of historic towns, rolling hills and the most delicious food and vineyards that you can’t miss. Tuscany is totally special and perfect for a road trip around the region, or even a city … Continue Reading

To say that the Amalfi Coast of Italy is beautiful is something of an understatement. With so many of the best things to do in the Amalfi Coast, you’ll be spoilt for choice and will need to prioritise what and how you actually want to see. It’s the kind of place you visit and know … Continue Reading