The next morning, after a day exploring and subsequently falling in love with Quebec (as well as developing a bit of a crush for autumn with its beautiful fall foliage), we packed up and headed out to explore even more of the province of Quebec, beyond its beautiful capital city. Our main destination for the … Continue Reading

I’d never really been a fan of autumn. It just always reminded me that the glorious sunny days of summer were over and the cold, dark (and mostly wet) days of winter were on their way. I feel like the first half of autumn was spent missing summer and the latter half preparing for winter … Continue Reading

Part of the reason we started Hand Luggage Only was to connect with more people who share our passion for travel so I am always delighted when we find out more about anything food or travel related.  I still get excited when someone tells me about a restaurant/bar/new attraction that I haven’t been to in … Continue Reading

Montreal is pretty much the epitome of French Canada and a city you shouldn’t miss whilst in Quebec. It is after all the largest city in French-speaking Quebec province in Canada and the second largest in all of Canada. As it’s pretty big, there’s a shed load of amazing and best things to do in … Continue Reading

After marvelling at those beautiful autumn colours on the ground at Sacacomie, we decided to take in the beauty of autumn in Quebec from a novel perspective – from a helicopter. We’d booked in for just after noon which was plenty of time to get ready and head across to Pourvoirie du Lac Blanc as … Continue Reading

The province of Quebec is gorgeous! With centuries of history, stunning landscapes and beautiful coastlines it’s one of Canada’s most-gorgeous places to visit. So, to help you see as many of the best places in Quebec as possible, I wanted to share some of our very favourite pit stops that you can’t miss. After all, … Continue Reading

Quebec City is not only steeped in history, but it’s also beautiful and a great city to visit when exploring the province of Quebec’s epic spots. In fact, I’d go as far as saying that there are so many stunning things to see and the best things to do in Quebec City that you’re going … Continue Reading

Let’s start by saying our trip to Quebec was incredible, it’s one of the most beautiful places in Canada to visit and the perfect province for a road trip. Taking in spots like Montreal, Quebec City and gorgeous places like Sacacomie it’s an area that has the best of both worlds; amazing cities and the … Continue Reading

Our next stop in Quebec involved us ‘getting lost’ in nature and the timing couldn’t have been more perfect for it. Given as it was in autumn, the weather has been a bit cool for the past few days but for some reason, on this one day, it just got ridiculously warm. Like, warm enough … Continue Reading