I spoke earlier on about when we arrived in Turkey and I found out about the ‘Secret Beach’ (which quite frankly wasn’t really much of a secret but that’s a good thing). Well, as it turns out, to get the best spot on the beach, you need to make a reservation at the hotel to get one of the beach huts – which we did straight away! I’m not sure the official term is beach huts by the way but who cares, eh?
The very next day, immediately after breakfast, we make our way to the hotel harbour to catch out boat to the secret beach.
Within minutes, we arrived at the beach, ‘checked in’ to the beach hut and got the important bits out of the way – the photos to send to our friends on our Whatsapp group back in grey and cold London.
I would feel bad except I know they do exactly the same when the tables are turned. (I still have the photos taken by a certain couple from their amazing holiday in the The Maldives to prove my point). 🙂
The table was all laid out and although I wasn’t particularly hungry (I’d just had breakfast after all), I knew we’d have to get a second round of breakfast esta pronto.
We went with a fruit platter – partly not to feel guilt for having two breakfasts but mostly because it was so refreshing in that Turkish sunshine!
Note the chair swap and cheesy grin – told you I had to get some good photos for that Whatsapp group! 😉 🙂 Hahaha! Had to try multiple angles to find the best one. 🙂 If you’re not allowed to be vapid with you friends – who are you allowed to be vapid with? 🙂
Though I have to admit, this secret beach pretty much cemented the reason why I decided to throw all the plans to explore more of the surrounding areas right out of the window. This was the first time in months where we had no plans but just to relax be indulgent and we went full steam ahead with it. The days would be spent relaxing, eating and drinking and there would be no early morning wake up calls. 🙂
I initially felt guilty about it but when that sunshine is outside and you start to truly relax, that guilt disappears very (VERY) quickly. There are different versions of travel and this was one I hadn’t done in a long time and was thoroughly enjoying!
A few hours in the day were lost to some well deserved naps…
The rest was spent making the most of the beauty of Turkey…
…. oh, and eating too!
Turkish coffees were recklessly mixed with caipirinhas (I’m like totally crazy, right? #RebelWithoutACause) Hehe! 😉
I may or may not have hit the champagne quite hard. 🙂
I jest – if you hit the bubbles so hard you can hardly stand, you’re doing it very wrong! 🙂
As with all beautiful days in the sun, eventually, it was time for the sun to retire for the day and for us to head back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. Notice how all my activities revolve around food or drink?
Before the sun left though, it gave one last dazzling performance as we made our way back to the hotel – ensuring that I fell truly, madly, deeply in love with Turkey!
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