**Competitons now closed** Seeing as I can’t give you all you need to travel the world for free, here’s the next best thing! Hopefully one (or perhaps even all) will help you travel (at least, part of) the world for free! 1.) Fancy an all expenses paid road trip to Alaska (worth £4,000)? 2.) Or … Continue Reading

A while back, I remember a particular UK University (with a permanent fixture in the lower half of the league tables) saying no to me when I applied to them. This year, I graduated from University of Cambridge (top in the UK and arguably in the world). I also recollect a few years back being … Continue Reading

Whether you actively set out to see wildlife (as you might in a safari or a trip to the zoo) or you happen to come across them totally randomly as you explore your current travel destination, it’s safe to say that taking photos of animals in their natural (or simulated) habitat can prove rather tricky. … Continue Reading

Night time photos can be some of the best photos you can take yet conversely one of the hardest photos to take! They either turn out fantastic or in really awful quality and there’s usually very little in between. Even the slightest movement when taking the photos can make such a difference to the photo … Continue Reading

Travelling is always a unique personal experience – you see the world through your own eyes (literally and figuratively). You taste, smell and feel everything wherever you travel in manner that has everything to do with you little with someone else. Despite this, there are constantly “travel rules” being banded around that people expect you … Continue Reading

Swiftly following on from the Winter travel look for the lasses, we’ve got a winter travel look (and how to get them) for the lads. You know how this works already. Carry on to see the looks and how to get them… LOOK 1 (Similar sunglasses here, jackets here and here, shoes here, shirts here … Continue Reading

Excess baggage fares are a particularly frustrating experience for any traveller to face. It’s like someone decided that packing for your trip and trying to catch your flight on time somehow wasn’t stressful enough and so they needed to add more hassle with that dreaded “luggage weighing” which could then potentially pack an expensive excess … Continue Reading

Sometimes, it’s so easy to get distracted by everything that’s going on around you that you lose sight of who you truly are. It brings to mind a thing statisticians call separating “the signal” from “the noise“. “The signal” is that thing that you truly are – a truth that no one can shake, that … Continue Reading

There are so many reasons why people travel; business, pleasure, adventure! The list goes on and on but perhaps something that’s not always thought about is how travel makes you happy. Yes, yes, we know that travel generally makes you happy but it’s usual happiness in that unarticulated, inexplicable, carefree way where you feel happy … Continue Reading

Pinterest is so many things to so many people. It’s a source of inspiration. A visual notepad. An excellent way to procrastinate on a rainy afternoon. Your ideal party planning tool. A treasure trove of ideas. The list is endless… The point is, lots of people use Pinterest for lots of things and increasingly, Pinterest … Continue Reading

1.) Money can’t buy happiness… but it can’t buy unhappiness either. What you do with the money you have is down to you. 2.) Be less modest! People need to be told how amazing you are. After all, how else will they know that there’s steak for dinner if you don’t let hear it sizzle! … Continue Reading

House hunting in London is one of the most stressful things you can do in the UK. It is probably what whoever coined the term “Rat Race” had in mind when he/she did. It’s genuinely exhausting and unbelievably time-consuming but after moving homes quite a few times in London, I’ve become something of an old … Continue Reading

This isn’t about becoming someone entirely different or correcting for any flaws you think you have (believe it or not, those things you refer to as your “flaws” are actually your advantages in disguise). This is about tangible ways of making the most of what you have and making a larger impact on the world … Continue Reading

1.) It’s winter (in Europe, USA, Canada and part of Asia). Stop trying to fight it and just go for a winter holiday! Part of the joy of seasons is the extremes of different weathers so make the most of the snow and cold while it’s here. 2.) Start looking now! Yes, you may or … Continue Reading