Hello!!! 🙂 It’s been a rather hectic past few days and I write this after a few glasses of Greek wine, Ouzo, cheeses and cured meats I can’t remember the names of but promise to give you full details on as soon as I find the paper the names are written down on. In any … Continue Reading

This one is off the beaten track and one that a lot of people who visit Florida (especially from the UK) have never heard of or even considered. It effectively involves renting a tube (approximately $5 for one or $10 if you’re feeling really swanky and want one with mesh underneath to cool your bum) … Continue Reading

Right, no long rambles, I want to get right into it and share some of my favourite cities in the US to visit. Honestly, there are so many to explore, I think it might end up taking me decades to see them all!  Anyway, I’m already rambling more than I said I would! Take a … Continue Reading

I just found these random photos on our road trip across America that I just had to share them with you! These are essentially photos taken on the road and not particularly in anywhere specific; at least nowhere any of us can really remember (we were probably in-between states at some points here). Somehow, these … Continue Reading

Sometimes, with all unique places across the world to visit, it can get a little hard to narrow down a firm list of one or two spots that you’ll book. Now, obviously, there are a load of different factors to think about when looking for some of the places. Proximity, cost and how far you … Continue Reading

One of my favourite things about travelling is getting to see new animals in person! Even without travelling, I’ve always been a fan of animal documentaries – David Attenborough got me hooked from a young age and so you can just imagine my delight and surprise when I get to see these animals I’ve seen … Continue Reading

It is one of those big life decisions, proposing to your partner! It’s exciting, nerve-racking and loving. Though, like any great plan, you’ll need to do a little digging to find the best places to propose across the world.  This is exactly why I wanted to share some of the very best places to propose … Continue Reading

If I knew a way to change the topic of this post to “Ways To DEFINITELY Get You To Travel The World For FREE” I would but for now, we will have to do with ways to help you save money when travelling and implicitly, by saving you money – help you see more of … Continue Reading

“And where is this place that offers the promise of amazing cocktails and entertainment all topped up with a stunning 360 view across not just the country it is in but some neighbouring countries in the distance?” You ask. It is 1-Altitude in Singapore. And just in case you were wondering, nope, this is not a … Continue Reading

Sometimes saying NO is one of the hardest things to do and while it’s nice to be agreeable, amiable, helpful and so many other traits that come from being the “Yes-Woman/Man”, it’s sometimes really  is so good and liberating (not to mention helpful for your health and sanity) to just say no. Travelling, however big … Continue Reading

This is one of those posts that you’re gonna need a pretty huge cuppa tea, some biscuits or perhaps even a scone or two slathered with clotted cream and (strawberry) jam to go with the post as it is rather ‘picture heavy’ so I’ll give you a minute or two to get yourself prepared. All … Continue Reading

Some are natural. Some are man-made. Some are underwater. Some are new(ish). Some are old (like really ancient). What they all have in common is how amazing they are to see and experience. It may be tricky to see all of them but it’s definitely worth setting a goal to see as many as possible. … Continue Reading

Everyone who knew who Maya Angelou was, is (and probably will be for a long time) in awe of her. This is nothing new. She went through so much and yet she came out of the other side, stronger, wiser and a beacon of light and hope for several generations. Growing up, I had always … Continue Reading

See what I did there? Hehehe! 😉 🙂 🙂 Right, so this has been kept under wraps for too long and I can’t hold out on you longer! We’ve got some exciting news!!! We’ve been invited to explore the Basque Country in Spain, more specifically, the province of Gipuzkoa over the next few days! And … Continue Reading