Portugal is easily one of the most dramatically beautiful countries in Europe yet somewhat one of the most under-rated. Some of the best hikes in Portugal will easily rival any other options in other European countries yet for some reason, they just seem so much less known (or at the very least, less talked about) … Continue Reading

The first time I saw pictures of Pena Palace in Sintra (granted, this was quite a while back), I kinda didn’t believe it was a real place. It looks so grand yet so colourful that it seemed like something someone working in a Disney movie had drawn up. Of course, I very quickly found out … Continue Reading

When you think of things to do in Portugal, you don’t always think of castles. That being said, there’s a heap of the best castles in Portugal that are dotted all over the country. Now, typically you might think of Portugal for its beautiful beaches, dramatic quaint villages and incredible cities like Lisbon, too. That … Continue Reading

You arrive in the hotel after an early morning flight – what the first thing you do? Get some sustenance! Upon arrival in Porto, this is exactly what we did –  got my priorities straight you see. Hehehe! After wandering around for a bit, we finally found this restaurant on the waterfront and figured it was … Continue Reading

The first I’d heard of Sintra was just before the summer holidays at Cambridge University. This was when a group of us were heading out to Lisbon for a 4-day weekend to celebrate multiple friend’s birthdays and a classmate of mine at Cambridge suggested visiting Sintra, too.  initially, I was a bit unsure. After all, … Continue Reading

Our recent return to Portugal was certainly something of an eye opener! In addition to visiting a particular favourite of mine (Hey Lisbon), we got to head down to the coast and check out other parts of Portugal that we’d never seen of even heard of just a few months before visiting – it was … Continue Reading

After leaving, the beauty that is Pena Palace, we headed over to our next sight in Sintra – the Moorish Castle (or The Castle of The Moors – depending on which version of the name you prefer). The Moorish palace is actually a short walk from Pena Palace (or at least, from the entrance of … Continue Reading

Portugal is a gorgeous country to explore, and much more than cork products, it has become famous for the gorgeous sea and yummy port. It’s one country that seems to draw me back time and time again, with loads of historic cities, gorgeous national parks, and enough bacalhau to satisfy even the hungriest of tummies. One … Continue Reading

There are so many totally gorgeous and some of the best things to do in Lisbon perched all across the city. Plus, with it being one of the fastest-growing and most beautiful cities in Europe, it’s well worth taking a trip to this totally stunning Portuguese gem (that I properly love). With an incredible history, … Continue Reading

I’d been obsessed with visiting Sintra for the longest time. The photos just made it seem like some kind of fairy tale destination and so, a couple of months after my obsession with Sintra started, we booked flights and headed over to Portugal. Cascais (also in Portugal), unlike Sintra, was a place I hadn’t heard … Continue Reading

I won’t waste your time with much pre-amble! Lisbon is easily one of my most favourite cities in Europe and so exciting! It’s got a really vibrant art scene and a great energy about it. Here’s a quick list to help you make the most of your trip to Lisbon. 1.) Jerónimos Monastery: This is … Continue Reading

Lisbon is one of the most exciting cities you can visit in Europe. Not only that, but it’s also steeped in history, has loads of things to do and lots of yummy restaurants, too. Not only that, you’ve got the magical, Sintra right on the city’s doorstep. All in all, it makes for an incredible … Continue Reading

Castelo de São Jorge is probably one of the very first places you can see in the distance as soon as you arrive in Lisbon. Seeing this castle does leave you with a mix of emotions though as you want to go and explore this castle straight away.  However, it also appears (and indeed it … Continue Reading

Lisbon is an incredible Portuguese city to explore! It’s one of those places that’s filled with epic things to do Lisbon and only a stone’s throw from places like the fairytale Sintra, too. Plus, you’ve got a heap of the best restaurants in Lisbon that are dotted all across the city, too. You’re going to … Continue Reading