On a fairly random evening, my friends and I decided (now that I think about it) rather spontaneously to book a trip to Ibiza. In fact, I think we booked the trip first and then started to rationalise why we wanted to go away after. “Oh it’s so and so’s birthday so we could use it as a birthday celebration…” and “We just need to get away from the stress of London life” were the kind of excuses we started making up but in truth – none of us had been before and we were all just curious and wanted to go and explore Ibiza in person!
Now Ibiza is well know for it’s party scene and I can not count how many top 10 songs have appeared in the UK singles charts (especially during summer time) were songs that first got their big breaks in Ibiza. There are lots of them and that trends just seems set to carry on but I digress. While we did get some partying done (and perhaps I might get into that more on a different ocassion), this post is more about the perhaps more rustic and often overlooked parts of Ibiza.
Before I carry on though, I have to say, Ibiza is one of the most beautiful (sunny) places I’ve been to in Europe. I was taken by surprise by this fact (I know I’m repeating myself here) but I was not expecting the beaches to look as amazing as they did or for any kind of picturesque, postcard scene. Places renowned for parting in Europe typically aren’t also known for being particular pretty.
Anyway, back to the point, we decided on one of our more relaxed days to head over to the old town to explore it in more detail and here’s a photo diary of sorts of what we saw and got up to. We spent the bulk of time at Dalt Vila (which apparently literally translates to “Upper Town”) before heading down to the more modern parts for lunch, souvenir shopping and a lazy gander in the sun.
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