Some are near, some are far. Some are oldies (but goodies), some are newbies. Some are quite specific, some are more general.
What they do have in common is that these are the 15 places that I would looooooove to visit. ✈
Edit: Now, I’ve been able to visit quite a few of these stunning places and I’ve popped the links to the posts, below each point. 🤗
1.) Istanbul, Turkey
This has been on my list for a while but due to safety concerns, it kinda took a back seat on the travel itinerary.
This would be a great place to add back to my list of places I want to visit. (It also doesn’t help that a friend recently visited and left me really jealous when I
saw her pictures!) 🤗
Read more on the best things to see in Istanbul, here
2.) Scotland

I want to go up in the Scottish Highlands (as remote as possible) and experience Scottish (and indeed British) life that’s not only beautiful but also where the pace of life is a far cry from London’s hustle and bustle.
I used to live for quite a few years in the stunning Kingdom of Fife (Scotland) but never made it up to the highlands (only ever went as far as Aberdeen) so it’s high time I changed that.
Read more on what to do in the Scottish Highlands, here
3.) Norway

You’ve probably seen this post here by now so this one has already been explained.

I’ve been before but I want to try to explore different areas now:-)
Read more on the best places to see in Norway
4, 5, 6 & 7.) South America generally – Chile, Argentina, Brasil, Peru
These have been listed in no particular order – all I know is that I want to go to South America. The reason these are listed so close together is that I want to try to cover as much of South America as I can over a limited time frame when I visit with my friends (seeing as we’re coming all the way from the UK).
Chances are that the list will be expanded to include more countries.
Read more on visiting Peru, below
8.) Antartica
I’ve generally been intrigued about Antartica – it’s just so far away from most things and is definitely far from a typical travel destination but that just adds to the intrigue!
Plus, I’ve been looking at some expedition brochures and ads to Antartica – it costs a tiny fortune but seems really worth it.
Edit: The photo is of me standing on a frozen lake in Canada, not Antartica… still haven’t visited Antartica
9.) Alaska
As with Antartica, Alaska genuinely intrigues me. It helps that I can see the Northern Lights there (again) and also that there’s so much natural wonder to see in Alaska. Still, I haven’t decided if Winter or Summer is the best time to visit yet.
10.) Japan
The plan for Japan is to see as many cities as possible starting with Tokyo but the main part of the plan is to try to climb Mount Fuji! Apparently, this is very doable in the warmer months for amateur climbers like myself so that oughta be interesting. 🤗

Read more on what to see in Japan, here
11.) Prague
I’ve only ever heard good things about Prague from friends who have visited and I’ve heard about it from enough people that I’ve finally decided it’s high time to go check out what the hype is all about.
Apparently, it’s a great city to eat in, too! 🍔
Read more on what to do in Prague, here
12.) Berlin

I’ve got two friends who live in Berlin who I’ve promised to visit at some point (also Berlin is quite a cool city). Said friends are actually very similar now that I come to think of it – they both studied in London, they’re both mixed race (which in their case, comes with being multi-lingual), both love to travel and have lived in a few cities across the globes, both are very smart and both of them even worked in the same company at some point.
They don’t actually know each other but maybe it’s high time they do when I visit Berlin.
Read more on what to do in Berlin, here
13.) Morocco

Okay, I’ve been before but loved the beautiful sights of Morocco so much (that I wanna go again).
Perhaps this time to a different city and to try out different experiences (I loved what I got up to the first time – hence why I want to go back but I’m up for new experiences).
Read more on what to do in Morocco, here
14.) The Alps

Can’t ski [EDIT: Now I can!] Wasn’t interested in skiing till a couple of years ago but when I think of the hassle of getting the gear and everything else (judging from frantic Facebook posts from my friends who have left their planning till the last minute), I usually decide that I can’t be bothered. ⛷

Now, I’m ready to learn how to ski and the alps seem like a good place to start.
Read more on staying in an Igloo in the Alps, here
Sleeping In An Igloo Under The Matterhorn… In Zermatt, Switzerland
15.) Banff

Again, following my Canadian question here – it’s easy to see why I want to go to Banff!
Read more on what to do in Banff, here
Check Out The Very Best Of Great Britain!