I’ve had a few questions over the past few months about what camera I use to take my photos, what accessories I have and what else I pack with me, photography-wise, when travelling. I planned on answering these questions all in one go on a post but yesterday, I figure I might as well put … Continue Reading

1.) It’s winter (in Europe, USA, Canada and part of Asia). Stop trying to fight it and just go for a winter holiday! Part of the joy of seasons is the extremes of different weathers so make the most of the snow and cold while it’s here. 2.) Start looking now! Yes, you may or … Continue Reading

Living in London can be expensive! Yes, salaries are higher in London to compensate for it but compared to living in any other city in the UK (and even in the world), Londoners generally have to shell out a lot more money for the same standards of living compared to other cities. Now while there … Continue Reading

Photography has moved by leaps and bounds in recent years and even just 7 years ago, you wouldn’t think of using your phone as your main photography tool but these days, phone photography pretty much dominates the bulk of photos shared on social media. Granted mine are photos of mundane cr*p like my inability to … Continue Reading

This is one of those posts that kinda doesn’t fit anywhere but we won’t let that stop us now will we? 😉 Yeah, I know it’s not travel related per se and neither is it home or food related (though I wish it was food related – I’m starving right now) but I keep making … Continue Reading

Hello – the hallmark start to any half-decent conversation or interaction across the world. Considering how universal the greeting is – it kinda makes sense there should be just one way to say but having just one word to greet each other with would rob the world of its diversity (and us travellers of reasons … Continue Reading

We’ve been trying our best to keep calm about this but we can’t anymore – we’ve written a book and wanna shout about it from the top of the hills! One of our favourite parts about travelling is taking getting to indulge in our passion – photography,  so much so that there’s some healthy rivalry … Continue Reading

Travel can be a bit of hard work sometimes. Yes, yes – it’s ultimately fun to travel however the hassle of almost stripping to your underwear when going through security check (well, it sure feels like that sometimes), hauling luggage around the city, worrying about catching your connections and so many other things that are … Continue Reading

It might seem like something of an ambiguous question but the answer is a lot more straight-forward than you’d think. ANSWER. It is not the number of places you have been to or length of time you spend away from home that makes you a traveller. What makes you a traveller is your lust and … Continue Reading

Group holidays can be the best or the worst type of holidays to go on. A great test of your friendship is to go on holidays with said friends and if you come back, even stronger friends, then it’s safe to say that it was meant to be! Well, you don’t need to leave everything … Continue Reading

Yes, you read that right! Not “kinda free” or “cheap”  – 101 FREE Things To Do In London!!!! And this includes every single major attraction in London – and then some more! Living in London has made us really savvy with money (with house prices in London at the price of a tiny fortune, financial savviness … Continue Reading

Before we get started though (here’s a heads up), you need one thing if you’re gonna do it this way – flexibility. (You’ll see why later). I’m not talking about flexibility in the sense of being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want (let’s face it, most of us have work or lifestyle schedules which … Continue Reading

And no, I don’t mean TV programmes! I mean actually official schemes run by different countries to help people come to their countries to experience it in all its glory and fullness. 1.) United Kingdom The Tier 5 Youth Mobility programme. Open to people from a limited set of countries between the age of 18 … Continue Reading

Today, while I was randomly perusing Pinterest (and simultaneous nursing my post-lunch food belly), I came across a couple of rather interesting photography cheat sheets that I haven’t seen around but which I find pretty much on the money. Usually I’m not a fan of sharing infographics or anything that looks remotely like one (I’m not … Continue Reading