France has long since been a mainstay for many holidaymakers however most people tend to venture to the same places over and over again, while some of those places are necessary staples of any holiday in France. Here’s a list inclusive of said staple destinations and quite a few rarely-considered holiday destinations! 1.) Mont-St-Michel Why? … Continue Reading

These locations are amongst the most confusingly counter-intuitive yet most beautiful holiday destinations out there! On the one hand you constantly hear horror stories on the news and indeed from other tourists about these destinations but on the other hand, you also find out how exciting, beautiful and vibrant these places are (as well as hearing … Continue Reading

We’re headed off to Santorini in a few weeks (remember this post here?). This has been on the cards for quite a while now but it’s slipped to the back of my mind for ages until I looked at my calendar recently and realised that it was almost time to head out to Greece again! I had … Continue Reading

Even the grumpiest of people appreciate a good sunset! There just something about sunsets that makes people wanna do things from whip out their cameras/phones, strip off and start dancing (or is that just me?) to have to pick up their jaws from the floor and here are some of the best places out there … Continue Reading

Truth be told, you can visit almost any country in Europe and find some incredible casltes. From the historic grand castles of England, the unique castles in Sweden and the fairytale-like castles in Germany, there’s a heap to see. This makes it totally easy to find some pretty castles in Europe, no matter what country … Continue Reading

Sometimes, with all unique places across the world to visit, it can get a little hard to narrow down a firm list of one or two spots that you’ll book. Now, obviously, there are a load of different factors to think about when looking for some of the places. Proximity, cost and how far you … Continue Reading

One of my favourite things about travelling is getting to see new animals in person! Even without travelling, I’ve always been a fan of animal documentaries – David Attenborough got me hooked from a young age and so you can just imagine my delight and surprise when I get to see these animals I’ve seen … Continue Reading

It is one of those big life decisions, proposing to your partner! It’s exciting, nerve-racking and loving. Though, like any great plan, you’ll need to do a little digging to find the best places to propose across the world.  This is exactly why I wanted to share some of the very best places to propose … Continue Reading

Some are natural. Some are man-made. Some are underwater. Some are new(ish). Some are old (like really ancient). What they all have in common is how amazing they are to see and experience. It may be tricky to see all of them but it’s definitely worth setting a goal to see as many as possible. … Continue Reading

One of the most exciting parts of travelling is discovering new and rarely ventured travel destinations that are true gems and offer an experience you can’t get in many other places. This holds for a lot of French villages. The cities while offering all the mod-cons we have grown accustomed to, sometimes lack that true … Continue Reading

I have a confession to make. I have never been skiing. Initially, I just couldn’t be arsed with the cold – actually, that coupled with the fact that I’m not the most graceful person on ice generally put me off wanting to ski. Over the past few years, the desire to ski has grown in … Continue Reading

There are so many beautiful places in Switzerland. The name alone conjures up thoughts of the finest chocolates, flashy watches, some hardcore neutrality and bank accounts with more zeros than you can imagine write. 💰 Yup, the Swiss have definitely got the luxury niche covered on all fronts but there’s so much more to Switzerland … Continue Reading

The Hebrides are an archipelago off the coast of Scotland (essentially they’re Scottish islands, or at least that’s how I like to think of them) and they’re absolutely amazing! Rather than explain in a long-winded, roundabout way why you have to go visit them – I figured I’d show you! 1.) That Landscape 2.) These … Continue Reading

Some of the best destinations to visit sometimes are those places that are so far away that very few people have ever thought to venture to. One of the biggest attractions in getting off the grid to these remote destinations is that you can visit them with very few preconceived notions of what they’re like,e … Continue Reading