On a rather cold Sunday afternoon, I went off in search for a little something…  Well three things actually and I figured the best place to find them was Borough Market. To be honest, I was just looking for an excuse to head to Borough Market. It is one of my favourite places to wander … Continue Reading

**Update: This experience has now ended in London. This weekend we got to go check out Tongue Twister in London. Anyway, we rock up to the venue – which is the most colourful, Willy Wonka-esque set up in London and as soon as I saw, I instantly started getting excited. I’m a huge fan of anything … Continue Reading

Like I was gonna forget to do a post about the amazing food in Ibiza! 🙂 #FoodieDiaries First off we got the squid! #CookedToPerfection! Then some tasty lamb chops! Paella to share! Some aperitifs for after the meal.. But not before some grilled garlic king prawns Rounded up with a huge steak. We ate and … Continue Reading

My last trip to Santorini, Greece was absolutely fantastic! The people, the culture, the islands and, of course, the food all come together to make Greece one of my favourite destinations! I even did a little research on some islands that I want to visit. I’d love to go to Milos, or Zakynthos (a.k.a. Zante)… … Continue Reading

Been meaning to put up a post to say this for ages but since I couldn’t figure out some ridiculously eloquent way of saying this, I figured I might as well blurt it out. As you already know (it’s no secret really), I’m a huge fan of FOOD (hence why there’s a whole category on … Continue Reading

“And where is this place that offers the promise of amazing cocktails and entertainment all topped up with a stunning 360 view across not just the country it is in but some neighbouring countries in the distance?” You ask. It is 1-Altitude in Singapore. And just in case you were wondering, nope, this is not a … Continue Reading

Take a look, below, at some of the best cities to travel for the ultimate foodie! You’ll be stuffed.  1.) Oaxaca, Mexico The culinary destination of Mexico, Oaxaca packs in so much more than food. It’s a truly alternative holiday destination for most Mexico-holiday-planners, chock-a-block with stunning sights yet well renowned across the land for … Continue Reading

Okay, so this isn’t normally the type of post I write, but I really wanted to share something personal with you. Over the course of the last 18 months, my weight has slowly crept up by 24lb (almost 11kg)! At first I didn’t notice it… then, after a while, I tried to “ignore” it until … Continue Reading

London has a bamboozling mix of restaurants, food markets, bars and fine dining haunts that are dotted around our amazing city. That being said, with so many choices, it can be tricky to pinpoint just a few of the best restaurants in London to actually visit. After all, there is something like twenty thousand restaurants … Continue Reading

Santorini is an amazing island to visit in Greece. The whitewashed houses, picturesque sunsets, beautiful clifftop towns and amazing weather all make for an amazing idyllic getaway. Not only that but there are loads of top foods to eat in Santorini that’ll keep you stuffed for your whole trip. Of course, you’ve got many epic … Continue Reading

Our trip to the Isles of Scilly was one that has been long-awaited! Earlier this year, I said to Lloyd how much I wanted to see more of the UK and Ireland. Case in point – living in Edinburgh a while back, I had taken it for granted and it was only after a long stint … Continue Reading

Part of the reason we started Hand Luggage Only was to connect with more people who share our passion for travel so I am always delighted when we find out more about anything food or travel related.  I still get excited when someone tells me about a restaurant/bar/new attraction that I haven’t been to in … Continue Reading

This is something of an impromptu post to share some of the amazing and best restaurants in Vienna. All according to locals and reader recommendations. To be honest,  I didn’t expect to write this post (and to be fair, I didn’t write most of it) but when we recently went to Vienna, I had no … Continue Reading

After a rather cloudy but ridiculously beautiful day in Tresco, the sun upped its game the next day and we headed off to go explore another island we’d wanted to for a while – St Agnes! This meant sailing past an old favourite – Bryher… …with Lloyd pretending (to himself mostly) that he was the … Continue Reading